cheeze_art's blog

The life as the diehard

der Schoner Brunnen

2009-12-23 07:08:28 | 幼馴染み(To my huckleberry friend)
With your e-mail, it understood the state of "Christkindelsmarkt at the marketplace in Nurnberg " well.

It thinks that I, too, want to attempt to go once if there is opportunity to the market of which the different language and the people gather, it bustles and is crowed.

It thinks that you, too, know but Kochi which I live in, too, has "Sunday markt in the Tosa".
It thinks that that the market which was in each climate is run by each country is an interesting thing.

The old building which is behind the new city hall to have written in your e-mail seems to have been a jail before.
Then, as for "der Schoner Brunnen", there was the description in the Internet, too.
Der Sage nach soll eine junge Frau, die drei Mal an dem Ring dreht, sich ubrigens ein Kind wunschen durfen.
Eine andere Sage sagt, eine Frau bekame so viele Kinder, so oft sie an dem Ring drehe.
Nach uraltem Volksglauben holte ja der Storch die neugeborenen Kinder aus dem Brunnen.
Noch heute sieht man Paare, die kurz vorher im angrenzenden Rathaus getraut wurden, an dem Ring drehen.

The winter solstice passed and became a little after number of days this year, too.

By the way, it thinks that that I say that the person repeats an age is the one as whiskey matures.
It creates next, good taste about whether or not the human nature is Yutaka about the fact to repeat an age.
However, it becomes as it feels that the time which concerns neighborhood on the one hand passes very early, too.

60 years old lived long and it celebrated the sixtieth birthday because the lifetime of the Japanese was said to that it does 50 of life from the old days and was.
Because to exceed 70 years old was rare, the seventieth birthday was to do the celebration being which is special.
It thinks that it becomes 78 years old of men, 85 years old of women, the average age of 83 years old at present and that it should start over again even if 50 of life passes.

Next year, it reaches the year that I, too, become one end as the company employee.
As for it, the company in Japan is because it adopts an age-limit system.

The other side to think that must work, being still current, it sometimes feels the decline of the body ability and the mettle as expected.
It is the age of me who returned to earth in now if being Japanese in the past.
It thinks that some meaning this is a good thing and it thinks that it wants to spend time importantly until the destiny runs out.

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