A Torontonian Life


Dual citizenship

2008-11-19 | Immigration(移民)

I think this is a good start. There are so many Canadians who hold dual or multi citizenship. However, some permanent residents have been held back from applying for Canadian citizenship or some Japanese Canadians or Korean Canadians have hesitated to openly admit that they are holding Canadian citizenship as well.

One of my Korean friends had been a permanent resident in Canada for more than a decade. After a long consideration and dilemma himself, he recently applied for Canadian citizenship and became Canadian. He is still hodling his Korean citizenship until the time he needs to renew his Korean passport or sometime soon.

After living in Canada for a long time, he has committed to the Canadian society in different aspects of his life. Canada is his new country and Korea is his country of origin. There is no better or worse. He loves both countries. Of course there are some parts that he does not like about both countries. However, allowing such people to have dual citizenship would give both countries more benefits and prosperity.

I aslo understand that this costs coutries a lot of money as well. There are lots of Canadians who return to their countries of origin, reside yhrtr and captured by other countries or by other partners abroad request the Canadian government for help.

I am Japanese and I don't want to lose my Japanese citizenship. Neither do my future children. It's not just a privilega you enjoy, but it's more a matter of IDENTITY.

南部さんノーベル賞きっかけ 二重国籍容認を議論
2008年11月16日 朝刊







