A Torontonian Life


Bye Bye Pape

2009-04-26 | ダーリンと私

Bye Bye Pape...

I have lived in this Greek Town for 2 years and 7 months to be precise. Now that I have to say good-bye to this neighbourhood.

This house in this Green Town has lots of memories. I used to go straight to school every day and come back home right after to do lots of readings and work on my papers, no where no time to drop by.

There is an summer event called Taste of Danforth in August. Lots of people come to this neighbourhool for this event that weekend. Lots of cars parked along our street, Woodycrest Avenue. Since we don't have a car parked in front of our house, I have seen different people parked their cars once in a while. But you know what, as we live on this street with a proximity to the Greek Town, we are able to just walk to the Danforth Avenue to take a look at the event every summer, without worrying about parking a car.

It's so beautiful in summer with lots of trees, grass and flowers on neighbour's front yards. When I have time, I like to walk to Pape station just to enjoy the neighbourhood and nature. After big storms, we used to have some trees knocked down on a car or electrical poles the next day. Old neighbourhood, this happens a lot.

Oh yeah, speaking of knocking down electrical poles, we used to have some blackouts too. When we had blackouts, we don't know anything as we don't have a radio or anything to listen to the news on the radio. We just wait for a power to come back...Once it was so cold without a central heating on...I remember I rushed to a store to buy some candles which I hoped to help keep us warm a bit.

Some of the pictures I took from a car on Danforth Avenue. I will update some pictures on my street later.

After some 2 years and a half, I am going to move to another neighbourhood soon. It'll be closer to work...

Happy Administrative Professionals Day & Earth Day

2009-04-23 | カナダレポ
Earth Day was celebrated nation-wide. Kids were fund-raising at schools in green T-shirts and Eearth Day themed colour -green-has been used on Google, Metro, etc.

Meanwhile, Administrative Professionals Day was celebrated in Canada. I didn't know such a day existed. Boss's Day exists too. We gave a token of appreciation to our bosses.

On such a day, we received an email from the CEO of our organization celebrating the day and appreciating our work when we came in to work this morning.

A square strawberry cake came next in the kitchen are this morning. And it's gone in such a short period of time! But it was delicious!!

Then here came our Department's celebration!
Our bosses threw a little surprise lunch celebration with lasagna, salada, bread and deserts!

And a rapped gift as a token of appreciation! It's very nice and pretty.

We have had lots of projects since Winter and have been stressed out a bit. But I felt today that showing appreciation to people who work with and family/friends who support you is very significant in our life...

Happy Administrative Professionals Day & Earth Day!

The day before the Easter Weekend

2009-04-12 | カナダレポ
It's Thursday. The day before the Easter long weekend!

When I got in at work that morning, lots of employees were chatting in the kitchen with biiiiig smiles!!
Everyone looked so happy and relaxed.
The air looked so light and comfy.

It's like that every Friday. Everyone keeps saying,
"It's Friday---!"
"Because it's Friday!"
"Happy Friiiiday!"

But on the day before this long Easter weekend, everyone was totally much much happier!

I like this though. When i was working in Japan, we never had Fridays!!
Fridays were the same as the other weekdays, long days and overwork. It's just you are off the next day and sometimes go out for a drink and dinner at Izakaya. But it's so obvious that Canadians act so happy on Fridays and on the day before long weekend!

Stuffed red peppers

2009-04-11 | お家ごはん

This is what I had been craving for. Finally I had a chance to make these after work for dinner.

But,,,I forgot to mix milk soaked bread crust! It was left along on the counter top when I had put all the red peppers into the oven!

My mom used to cook these with smaller Japanese green peppers, which tasted a bit bitter compared to these giant Canadian red peppers, which are sweeter.

I liked these too as oven grilled red peppers are tasty!


2009-04-09 | おでかけ

One of my favouite places around Toronto is...Unionville!

When it's sunny in Spring and Summer, I feel like to just go out there and walk around with a cup of coffee.

There is a small street with local stores. There are local Jazz bands playing live Jazz music with lots of smile and applause in summer.

There is a church and greeney near the pond. You can have wedding there.

There is a small bath amongst the trees.

There are old traditional houses stood very nicely and comfortably on the street in the Unionville.

It's like an hour drive from downtown Toronto. This historical place is the place for Torontonians who seek for some relaxation on weekends.

It's just too bad that some of the stores have closed down due to this economic crisis...

But I will definitely update some better pictures this summer!!


2009-04-07 | カナダレポ


でも、今週末は10度くらいにあがり、Looks like it is gonna be a nice Easter weekend!

Cook Book

2009-04-06 | お家ごはん
材料別のCook Book - これがよく役立ってます。
その材料が一番おいしい時期や、栄養素、どうやって基本の調理をするかも載っていて、Beginnerには特にお勧めほCook Book。




そんな理由とまあもっと今後の勉強にという思いでほしかった、英語で書かれた材料別のCook Bookを購入

Kitchen Bible!!


Recipes from around the world。とありますが、Thai、Chinese、Japanese CuisinesはどちらかというとWesterrrrrnですが・・・。

日本食は日本語のCook Bookを見ます。

もうひとついい点は、AppetizerやParty Menuも多く載ってること