
時に末日聖徒/モルモン教への私見含むメモ帳にて御座候 ほな毎度どんもにて 御きげんよろしゅうで御座候


2011-11-04 08:39:27 | ジョセフ // 語録・予言・示現・夢等

「パート36で御座候 。WEB--- - 2011/02/05 14:50  


『パート33で 。WEB---- - 2010/07/31 12:54

















もう一人は、じっと立ったまま、そのページに記された名前の列を、人差し指で、中くらいまでなぞってゆき、私のフル・ネーム(Frederick William Hurst)を指差しました。プラット兄弟が言いました、「ハースト兄弟、私たちが見ていたこの名簿は、14万4千人のリストです。あなたがやって来るのが見えた時、ちょうど、あなたの名前にさしかかったのです。」 私は、喜びで涙があふれました。彼らは、私に他にも何か話しましたが、その内容は、記憶から消されてしまったようです。

その荘厳な建物から、親しかった一人の幹部の兄弟が出てきました。私たちは、互いに走りより抱き合って喜びました。彼は言いました、「今、話しをしていた二人の兄弟たちは、誰だかわかりますか?」「一人は、パーリー・P・プラット兄弟ですよね。」と答えると、「そうです。もう一人は、黙示録のヨハネです。」 そこで、目が覚めました。



I felt like I would like to leave the following facts on record. What I am about to relate transpired in New Zealand. I was about eight years of age and entirely alone, as all the folks were to meeting, and I was left to mind the house.

Being very fond of reading the Bible I took it on my lap and sat down in the center of the room, and I read the beginning of the 14th Chapter of Revelations. I was deeply interested in the one hundred and forty-four thousand men chosen for their virtue and purity, not being defiled with women, etc. They sang a new song, etc. In my childlike simplicity I fully believed every word of it. Also the Holy angel having the everlasting Gospel. I raised my eyes from the sacred book and exclaimed aloud: "Oh! I would like to be one of that glorious throng." To my utter and unspeakable astonishment the Spirit and Glory of God filled the room where I was sitting and I distinctly heard a voice from Heaven saying: "You shall be one of that number if you will live a pure life." I was filled with joy that I cannot describe, and though a mere child I resolved to love God and keep His commandments, and to do all in my power, through the mercy and blessing of the lord, to be worthy of so great a blessing. I never told my parents but kept the circumstances locked up in my heart, but I have never forgotten it. It has been a beacon or guide to me through life.

I will now relate something very remarkable in connection with that most glorious promise to me. Please bear in mind, I had never told a single soul of this heavenly manifestation to me. I attended the conference of this Church in San Francisco, April 6, 1857. Being set apart with some other young Elders, President George Q. Cannon was mouth, I was very much astonished to hear him say: "Brother Fred, the Lord called you when you were a child, and you received a promise that you should be one of the one hundred and forty-four thousand that should stand upon Mt. Zion and sing a new song, and now by virtue and authority of the Holy Priesthood, I seal and confirm that promise on your head. Oh! how vividly everything was brought to my mind. I felt like it would be impossible for me to thank the Lord enough for all of His blessings to me. Hunger, thirst, hardship of any kind, even my life if necessary for the Gospel's sake should not be withheld, and then how could that compare with such a great promise. Not a drop in the bucket compared with the vast ocean.

Still farther I had a dream in 1875 as follows: I found myself in front of one of the grandest buildings I had ever seen. The front was open to quite an extent, supported on immense columns or pillars, and about twelve steps to ascend to the open court. Altogether the building was magnificent and glorious.

I saw two persons standing by a desk upon which lay an open book they were looking at. As I raised my right foot to ascend the steps the thought occurred to me, "Am I worthy to enter such a glorious and beautiful place"; upon which they both looked at me (they were both tall fine looking men). One of them (Brother Parley P. Pratt) ran down the steps, took me by the right hand and led me up to the desk, then took me by the shoulders with both his hands, immediately facing the book. The other person still stood with the forefinger of his right hand nearly half way down the column of names, pointing to my name in full, FREDERICK WILLIAM HURST. Brother Pratt said: "Brother Hurst, we were looking over the list of the one hundred and forty-four thousand and had just got to your name when we saw you." I was so full of joy I was moved to tears. They talked to me for a short time, but what passed between us passed from me.

There was one of the Brethren that I was well acquainted with came out of the building. We ran up to each other and embraced, throwing our arms around each other's necks, filled with a joy more than I can tell. He said: "Do you know these brethren you have been talking with?"

I replied: "I judge one to be Brother Pa P. Pratt.

He said: "Yes, and the other is John the Revelator". I then awoke.


 ((ソースは、ここの、文中の下線部「彼の記録(英語)」をクリックして、(The Diary of Frederick William Hurst)の下へスクロール、NEXT をクリック。

  ここ: http://liahona.weblogs.jp/liahona_blog/2010/08/post-9aff.html 

  http://www.google.co.jp/search?hl=ja&source=hp&q=%22Frederick+William+Hurst%22++mormon&btnG=Google+%E6%A4%9C%E7%B4%A2&lr=&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq= ))


1 コメント

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いつもありがとうございます。 (教会員)
2014-10-03 23:45:11



Here are a couple quotes for you to help you understand why I feel that these 144,000 will be translated beings.

Elder McConkie said:
"Raphael, whom we assume to have been Enoch or someone from his dispensation, came and committed such keys as appertained to that day. No doubt these included the power to use the priesthood to translate men, as will be the state of all those who abide the day of his coming."

"And then when the time comes that these calmities we read of shall overtake the earth, those that are prepared will have the power of translation, as they had in former times, and the city will be translated."(John Taylor JD, 21:253)
It seems to me that translation will be necessary to survive certain things.


HC, J SMITH 5:326
At the close of the meeting...I remarked that the hundred and forty-four thousand sealed are the priests who should be anointed to administer in the daily sacrifice (in Jerusalem Temple).
HC, J SMITH 6:196
This suggests that among the 144,000 high priests at least some will be resurrected beings.
I attended prayer-meeting with the quorum in the assembly room,
and made some remarks respecting the hundred and forty-four thousand mentioned by John the Revelator,
showing that the selection of persons to form that number had already commenced.
