独断偏見妄言録 China's Threat



2021年05月17日 06時33分32秒 | 米国

NY市長選、台湾系ヤン氏がリード 最低所得保障で注目


New York’s mayoral race is a sad disappointment for the left
For progressives who were hopeful that America’s most diverse city was ready for change, the most useful question is: what the hell is our problem?
15 May 2021
The Guardian
But a month away from election day, the purest leftwing candidate in the race, Dianne Morales, is running well behind in the polls.
Yang’s lead is not so large that he could not be overtaken. But a survey of the rest of the field is not encouraging. Running in second place is the Brooklyn borough president, Eric Adams, a Black moderate who is a former Republican and cop.


ついに中国系アメリカ大統領候補出現:恐るべき未来の前触れか 2018年03月19日

President Xi Should be Charged Attempted Murder for Getting President Trump Infected
Updated: Oct 6 2020
Moët Fukada ブログ

Few American knows that Taiwan and China have inseverable ties. When most Americans think Taiwan and China are rivals, those Taiwanese in power have a close relationship with President Xi for generations. Joseph Tsai, a Taiwanese trillionaire, is the founder and the stakeholder of Alibaba, the first and the essential cloud and AI company in China assisting Xi’s authoritarian rule. Alibaba plays a determining role in how president Xi can tightly control China.

Joseph Tsai is President Xi’s right-hand man. Unfortunately, he is also the owner of the Brooklyn Nets and the “badass” friend of Andrew Yang, another Taiwanese sharing the same ideology. Andrew Yang is a presidential contender in Democratic Party without ever being elected nor ever holding an administration position. Still, Jeb Bush praised Andrew Yang, “the guy on the public square that’s been the most articulate.”

How? Simple, becauseAndrew Yang is a carefully selected delegate for President Xi arranged by Joseph Tsai . It is the reason why President Xi favors Biden. Andrew Yang’s success is from overwhelming support in social media. China can easily manipulate a platform.

Andrew yang has openly talked about his role under the Biden-Harris administration the Labor Secretary. Andrew Yang’s policy is to build a taskforce manufacturing robot to replace American workers and have the American government pay 1,000 dollars to every citizen in the age from 18 to 64. This plan drives the US nation into bankruptcy and allows an effortless takeover by President Xi. When President Trump says if Biden wins, China will own the US; he is not making a political statement but stating the fact.

This is the scary part why mainstream media rarely blames China or President Xi on COVID-19. We must hold President Xi accountable for attempt murder, harm President Trump, and harm the greatest nation on earth, the USA!


Eric Adams leads Andrew Yang by 3 points in new NY mayoral poll
May 15, 2021
The latest polls from Change Research show that Adams currently has a slight lead, with support from 19 percent of New Yorkers compared to Yang’s 16 percent, Newsweek reports.



ちなみに、1位の女性 Kathryn Garcia は21%。

Daily Newsが掲載したアジア人を差別する漫画が話題になっている。




Andrew Yang’s NYC Exit Caps Tumble From Front-Runner to Also-Ran
June 24, 2021
Washington Post
Andrew Yang was the first of 13 Democratic candidates to drop out of the New York City mayoral race, even though nine of his rivals fared far worse. The speedy exit punctuated the former presidential candidate’s remarkable fall from his early front-runner status.

