


2008-12-23 | 中国ビジネス関連
 私が見ているメルマガ、≪ WEB 熱線 第1115号 ≫に以下の記事が掲載されていました。



 PBI指数(贈賄指数)は、日本は8.5で5位。1位のベルギーが8.8ですから大差ありません。何とアメリカが8.1で9位で日本より低いのですね。シンガポールも8.1。香港 7.6, 南アフリカ 7.5、韓国 7.5,台湾7.5 イタリア7.4とこの辺が比較的先進国の中では悪い国なんでしょうが、南アフリカってそんなレベルなんでしょうか?治安の悪い国というイメージがあるんですけど。


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2008-12-23 | 中国経済関連
 香港で発行されている「Sounth China Morning Post」という新聞があります。上海でも外聞書店とかでみかけるのですが、ネットでも有料ですが記事がみれます。中国国内の報道は、中央政府に統制されていることもあり、ネガティブな情報はあまり報道されていません。その為に、中国の実態しるのなら香港の新聞(もしかしたらシンガポールも)を読む方がベターだと香港の金融の人たちに指摘されて、見るようにしています。もちろん、政府の公式見解や法改正等は中国語の新聞のほうが早いかもしれません。






Mainland bourses face stock avalanche
3.5tr yuan in non-tradable shares to swamp markets next year
Daniel Ren in Shanghai
Dec 23, 2008
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The rebounding mainland stock market will come under heavy pressure next year as a sizeable chunk of formerly non-tradable shares representing 70 per cent of the current tradable capitalisation becomes available when their lock-up periods expire.

A total of 687.2 billion shares worth 3.46 trillion yuan (HK$3.92 trillion) held by state-controlled companies or major shareholders will become free-floating in 2009, according to Shanghai-based financial data provider Wind Information.

The capitalisation of shares traded on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges was valued at 4.9 trillion yuan yesterday.

"The negative impact from the sale of non-tradable shares will be huge next year, and the market won't rise far because of the heavy selling pressure," said Fullgoal Fund Management fund manager Chen Ge. "It's up to the regulator to find a miracle cure to the problem."

Beijing initiated reforms of share structures in 2005, requiring the parents of listed companies to offer incentives to holders of tradable shares in exchange for the right to unlock their massive holdings.

About 60 per cent of shares on the mainland were locked up before the reform. In 2006, 83.3 billion shares became free floating, followed by 128.3 billion shares in 2007 and 162.6 billion shares this year.

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index has declined 62.2 per cent this year, amid worries over the slowing economy and lower company earnings. The index dropped 1.52 per cent to 1,987.755 yesterday after five straight days of gains.

"Regulator and investors have to face the reality that unlocking formerly non-tradable stake will dilute existing holdings," said Wind Information analyst Chen Wei. "The holders of those shares will cash out when there's a rebound, sending the market down again."

Beijing has been striving to limit the sale of non-tradable shares. In April, the China Securities Regulatory Commission required the parents of listed companies to dump their previous non-tradable stakes on the block trading system if they planned to sell 1 per cent of a company within a month.

In August, the CSRC allowed companies to issue exchangeable bonds to holders of locked up non-tradable shares, who could then swap the bonds into tradable shares at a future date. In that way, the regulator hoped to give large shareholders an option to cash out without soaking up liquidity on the exchanges. However, not a single company has issued the bond yet.
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