

Reactors Had High Rate of Problems

2011-03-27 | 日本・日系企業
TOKYO―The crippled Japanese power plant at the heart of the world's worst nuclear crisis in a quarter-century has a history of operational and mechanical flaws, including a recent incident in which workers used the wrong plans to work on a reactor.

The findings came as the plant's operator and the Japanese government continued Thursday to attempt to gain control of the earthquake-damaged plant's reactors, as steam blasts and serious injuries to workers further delayed efforts to cool fuel rods, restart cooling pumps and stanch radiation leaks.

According to Japanese regulatory records, in August 2010, employees at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima Daiichi power plant, armed with plans for work on the complex's No. 6 reactor, instead began conducting work on the facility's No. 5 unit. They then altered work plans on their own, according to the records, leading to a mistake that rendered the unit's cooling system inoperable.

Regulators looking into the issue discovered a cable for controlling the cooling system had mistakenly been removed, an error that wasn't discovered for more than two weeks

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Japan Plant Had Troubled History

2011-03-27 | 中国経済関連
The Fukushima Daiichi power plant was already one of the most trouble-prone nuclear facilities in Japan, even before the devastating earthquake and tsunami that knocked out its cooling systems and precipitated the worst nuclear crisis in 25 years, a Wall Street Journal analysis of regulatory documents shows.

In addition, a standard practice at Japanese nuclear plants―to remove fresh fuel from a reactor and park it for weeks or months in a less-protected "spent fuel" pool during maintenance―appears to have been a significant contributor to the crisis, engineers say.

On Sunday, disaster-response teams made progress toward taming the stricken nuclear reactor, restoring electrical power and preparing to restart crucial systems designed to cool the dangerously overheating nuclear material. But the latest analysis of safety and maintenance practices at the plant cast new light on how the situation threatened to spiral out of control.
Earthquake in Japan

See all the graphics on the situation in Japan -- from before and after photos to the status of the reactors to survivors' stories.

When the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami struck little more than a week ago, all of the fresh fuel at the plant's Reactor No. 4 had been removed and stored in a pool that must remain filled with cooling water. That pool became one of the biggest problems for plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co., or Tepco, after much of the protective water dissipated, threatening fire and widespread radiation release.

A Journal analysis of Japanese regulatory documents shows that the Daiichi plant was already one of Japan's most troubled nuclear facilities, even before it was severely damaged by this month's quake and tsunami. In the five-year period from 2005 to 2009, the latest data available, Daiichi had the highest accident rate of any big Japanese nuclear plant, according to data collected by the Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, a mostly government-funded group that monitors safety and conducts inspections. Daiichi's workers were exposed to more radiation than their peers at most other plants, the data show.

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Russia to build airport on disputed Pacific island (Xinhua)

2011-03-26 | 日本・日系企業

MOSCOW - Russia would enhance transport infrastructure on the disputed Southern Kuril islands, which are also claimed by Japan as its Northern Territories, local reports said Friday.

Citing the Russian Regional Development Ministry, the reports said a new airport would be built in 2011 on one of the four disputed Pacific islands, Iturup (Etorofu in Japan), and Russia would also renovate an existing airport and a sea port on Kunashir (Kunashiri in Japan) island.

Russia to build airport on disputed Pacific island Territorial dispute to be focus of Russia-Japan talks
In addition, a highway will be rebuilt on Shikotan, also in the Southern Kurils cluster this year.

In total, Russia will allocate 1.14 billion rubles (over $40 million) for improving transport infrastructure on the disputed islands this year.

Last November, Russian President Medvedev visited Kunashir island and vowed to improve the living conditions on the islands.

Last year, Russia invested 1.36 billion rubles ($48 million) to boost development in the Southern Kurils.

Russia and Japan have long been at odds over the sovereignty of the four Pacific islands. The dispute has blocked a peace treaty between the two countries since the end of World War II.
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2011-03-26 | 日本・日系企業
Tsunami and radiation may sink Japanese fishermen
Updated: 2011-03-26 21:55
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KESENNUMA, Japan- The tsunami that slammed Japan two weeks ago wiped out homes, businesses and a fishing industry that was the lifeblood for thousands of victims on the northeast coast.

The tsunami erased aquatic farms just offshore along with low-lying seaside areas that are home to fleets fishing along the coast, while a nuclear plant in Fukushima leaking radiation has raised concerns about marine life in the region over the longer term.

"Fishermen lost their gear, ships and just about everything. About half will probably get out of the business," said Yuko Sasaki, a fishmonger in the tsunami-hit city of Kamaishi.

Sasaki has been cleaning the family store, where a water line at about five metres high marks where the tsunami struck. She expects to be back in business well before most fishermen from the area.

"The question remains: what did the tsunami do to the sea?"

In Iwate, it probably destroyed aqua farms for abalone, sea urchins, oysters, scallops and seaweed that the local government says account for 80 percent of the revenue for local fisheries.

Yuichi Sato, 66, a retired civil servant, said the Iwate town of Yamada, with a population of 20,000, has no other industry but fishing and aquaculture.

"The main industry is raising scallops and all the beds were completely wiped out," he said as he prepared a dinner over a wood fire at a makeshift home some 800 metres from the coast.

"The only way to bring it back will be with huge subsidies and investment from the government," he said.

The coastal fishing industry provides tens of millions of dollars a year to Iwate fishermen, a paltry sum compared with the estimated $300 billion damage in what is probably the world's costliest natural disaster.

The tsunami obliterated centuries-old fishing ports along the northeast coast, sending ships adrift in the Pacific Ocean, to the bottom of the sea, or depositing them on land, where they now lie among the splintered remains of homes.

"Our tourism and fishing industries were picking up before the quake hit. Now they are completely destroyed," said Yuji Shirahata, who heads a disaster relief team on the island of Oshima in Kesennuma in the coastal prefecture of Miyagi.

Even if fishing returns, it may be difficult to find buyers due to radiation concerns.

In Fukushima prefecture, radioactivity levels are soaring in seawater near the Daiichi power plant that was crippled in the disaster, Japan's nuclear safety agency said on Saturday.

"After this kind of disaster, sea urchins and abalones could be contaminated. So we need to collect all of those and start all over again. We have to reset the sea," said Masashi Sasaki, 40, a fisherman in Iwate.
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China finds radiation on 2 Japanese tourists

2011-03-25 | 中国ビジネス関連

BEIJING - China's top quality watchdog said Friday that alarmingly high levels of radiation had been detected on two Japanese Wednesday upon their arrival in east China's Wuxi city from Tokyo.

The announcement was made shortly after the regulator said earlier Friday that the local quality control bureau had found "abnormal" levels of radiation on a Japanese merchant vessel that berthed in east China's Xiamen port, Fujian province, on Monday.

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) said the radiation was discovered on the two Japanese nationals when the local quality control bureau conducted radiation checks on passengers aboard flight ZH9056 that reached Wuxi, East China's Jiangsu province, from Tokyo on Wednesday.

The AQSIQ said radiation on the two travelers was alarmingly high, and the case reported to the local environmental and health departments.

The AQSIQ said one of the two Japanese nationals came from Nagano Prefecture, about 350 km from the Fukushima Prefecture, and the other from Saitama Prefecture, about 200 km from Fukushima, where the radiation leaking Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant is located.

On Wednesday night, the two Japanese were sent to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University in Suzhou city for medical treatment. Their luggage and clothes were also detoxified, the AQSIQ said.

An AQSIQ official, who spoke anonymously, said the two Japanese tourists had not caused harm to others.

Earlier Friday, the AQSIQ announced abnormal radiation was found on a Japanese merchant vessel that berthed in Xiamen port, East China's Fujian province, on Monday.

The vessel belongs to Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, a Japanese company with bulk transport services around the world.

The vessel is still docked at the port, and the local quality control authority is working with other government departments to "take more measures" on the matter, said an AQSIQ spokesperson without elaborating.

The spokesperson didn't say if high levels of radiation had been found on the ship itself or the goods onboard, but said more details would be provided by the local government.

The vessel had set off from the US and reached Tokyo of Japan on March 17. On the same day, it left Tokyo and reached Xiamen port Monday night.

The AQSIQ on Monday asked the local quality control authority to monitor food imported from Japan for radiation following the nuclear disaster at its Fukushima Dai-Ichi power plant.

The AQSIQ has also ordered local quality watchdogs to test food from Japan for radiation to ensure the safety of China's food imports.

China's National Nuclear Emergency Coordination Committee announced Thursday that China would remain unaffected by radiation emitted from the quake-hit nuclear power plant over the next three days.

It said in a statement that currently, the radiation leaks from the plant would not have any impact on China's environment or the Chinese people's health.
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関東地方の方へ 水と電池

2011-03-23 | 日本・日系企業






ミルクは、多分中国向けの輸出が止まっていますし、地震以降のものは中国人は全く買いたく無いと話していますので、1月もしない段階で市場に余るくらいあふれると思いますので、とうざの1月分 4缶くらいあればよいと思います。







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2011-03-23 | 中国の社会・文化・歴史等

















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2011-03-22 | 上海ライフ・子育て


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2011-03-21 | 日本・日系企業





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2011-03-21 | 中国ビジネス関連








 価格は、博多釜山 1万3千円


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