山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)


2015(平成27)年度 新見市中学校英語学習表現発表会指導講評(2015年12月)

2022-12-26 10:03:25 | 日記
平成27年度 新見市中学校英語学習表現発表会 指導講評 山内 圭

Boys and girls, parents and teachers, welcome to Niimi College, fist of all. Thank you very much for inviting me to such a wonderful opportunity like this. I really enjoyed your performances.
This is my turn to say something and give you some advice.
When I was a junior high school student like you about 35 years ago, we did not have ALTs at school. We had no Assistant English Teachers. So I only had two chances to speak with native speakers of English in my junior high school days. The first chance was when we went to Kyoto for our school trip. My friend and I spoke to a very beautiful young foreign lady in English. I was very nervous but I did my best. We only asked the time, her name and where she was from, but we enjoyed the conversation very much. I even got her autograph. Our conversation took place only 2 minutes or so. But I found speaking in English very interesting and exciting. The second time was when an American friend of my Japanese teacher of English visited our English lesson. We had a wonderful time then again. I realized how exciting it was to speak to foreigners in English. It was only one class so it took 45 minutes. So I only had 47 minutes of English conversation in my junior school days. Only 47 minutes.
Now I believe that you have your wonderful ALT in your school. You have many chances to talk to foreigners in English. You have much more than 47 minutes to speak in English, perhaps 47 hours, or maybe more. Try hard and use your chances. Use your ALT and use your Japanese teachers of English. Use your Television so that you can listen to a lot of English every day. Challenge STEP test and other English tests. And of course study English very hard in your classroom. Good luck in your studies of English. Thank you.

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