山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)



2022-12-26 10:05:32 | 日記
令和元年度新見市中学校英語学習表現発表会指導講評 2019年12月7日

Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. My name is YAMAUCHI Kiyoshi, and I teach English at Niimi University.
Thank you very much for inviting me this wonderful occasion. I really enjoyed listening to your presentation.
As we listened to the presentation by the students who visited our sister city, Sidney Town this fall, I am going to talk to you about sister cities.
But before that I would like to point out these merits of English leaning. First of all, you can get good marks in your tests. You can also enjoy YouTube in English too. You can sing and listen to English songs. You can watch movies, and read books in English. You are able to talk in English with people overseas. Very often the people overseas who are close to you are your ALTs. So speak to your ALTs in English. And last but not least, you can enjoy international exchanges with your English ability.
So what is International Exchange? It is a communication between you and someone who is from a different culture or background, using a common language. In most of the cases, you and/or another person has to speak a language which is not your mother tongue. So if you can communicate well in a different language, you must be very happy.
Now I would like to talk about sister city program. The sister city program was promoted by the 34th President of the United States of America, President Eisenhower. This program was now taken by Mary Eisenhower, a granddaughter of President Eisenhower.
Niimi City has two sister cities and one friendship city. The friendship city is Shiga Ward, Shinyo City, Kanan Province, China, and the two sister cities are New Paltz Village, New York, USA, and Sidney Town, British Columbia, Canada. Yes, we have two English-speaking sister cities.
These are photos of each city and its exchanges.
In this September I was a member of the group visiting our American sister city. I also had a wonderful time like the students who visited our Canadian sister city. So if you have a chance please join our sister city group and enjoy exchanges in English.
Lastly, students, please thank your teachers, your family, your friends, and yourself for being able to attend today’s contest, and keep up the good studies of English.
Thank you for listening.

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