山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)


Final Day of the studies

2010-03-26 08:15:43 | 旅行
It is Friday, the last day of the studies!
TGIF-Thank God It's Friday!
Do you know this abbreviation?
But I would say "TGIFWAP"
This means Thank God It's Friday Without Any Problem!!
As a tour escort, I am relieved to know that the students are all right, at least by now.

This morning, I took some of the students to Illy Cafe, because they are interested in buying their coffee. I bought their coffee beans because this is one of my wife's favourite.

The students are taking aromatherapy massage lesson now, while I am working on the computer.
I have to send an outline of my presentation for an academic meeting in June.
The deadline is today!!
I have finished this and sent this all right.

We will have a sayonara lunch today and certificate presentation ceremony.
After that we will do on-site English lesson in St. Kilda.

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