The past year has been a year marked by crises and anxiety. Beginning with the revolution in Tunisia, a series of protests and conflicts have taken place in various countries, hailed by the media as the Arab Spring. A wave of democratic reform has swept across parts of the Middle East and Africa; long-time dictators have stepped down, some have met their demise. The West had hoped the movement topple dictatorship in Arab nations and bring democracy to the region; after almost year, while progress has been seen in the majority of these countries, the result may have been less than satisfactory for countries like the US.
Political groups with Islamic ideals have taken advantage of the power vacuum and public support to gain access to the government. While the result is not necessarily bad, the West is going to have to pray harder if they hope to turn these governments into their puppets. On the other hand, despite having held democratic elections, the Egytians are still protesting, against military rule, of course. The Syrian government is still cracking down on rebels, calling them terrorists (perhaps rightly so, who knows) and have recently unveiled a new law to punish by death those who distribute weapons to these so-called terrorist groups.
The situation in Syria may bring to mind the actions that have been taken by the US this year and in the past. Occupy Wall Street spread like fire across the US and the world, and when the protestors’ actions trespassed into unlawful grounds (figuratively), the city governments began their evictions and arrests. The sole good news for the US this year was probably the assassination of Bin Laden, otherwise the economic landscape still looks somewhat barren, while political battlegrounds are becoming volcanic leading up the the presidential election.
Elsewhere in the West, the EU is troubled by problems of their own. And last week the Great Leader of North Korea passed away to the wails and tears of his loyal subjects. And speaking of Syria, Steve Jobs, after taking Apple Inc. from its humble beginning in a garage to the world’s most valuable company, with a market cap GREAT than that of Exxon, was taken away from us in his battle with cancer. He might have survived for another decade or more had he gone with the decision to rely on doctors for treatment rather than alternative medicine. From this we can understand how important the service we provide as medical professionals has on individuals and the world. The year 2011 has proven to be quite a year, and we still have 10 days to go. Who know what is yet to happen. Oh yes, the NBA, of course.
Amidst all these great events to take place this year, one we must not fail to mention is the great earthquake that took place on March 11th. Of course, a month before it was the earthquake that devasted Christchurch, my hometown, and others in Chile and the likes; I remember being asked about it during my entrance interview. However, the level of destruction is on a whole different scale. Building codes in Japan are known to be tough, since the region is prone to earthquakes. Yet nothing quite prepared the building and the people against an incoming wall of seawater that completely obliterated everything, slowly sweeping up the fragile civilization of man and devouring their lives, like a bad special effect from a sci fi blockbuster. Aftershocks continued for days, as transportation that have come to a halt began resuming operation. While everyone believed that everything was over and all we needed to do was reconstruct the northeast, another crisis was brewing and boiling at thermonuclear speed elsewhere.
「メリークリスマス!And a Happy New Year!」のどちらに一つお選びください。
Happy Holidays! そして、新年あけましておめ…あっ、良いお年を~~
一年 スティーブ