2019年12月24日(Tue.) 気が付けば、冬至を過ぎていました。(ニュースソース: THE LOCAL.dk 12月23日発 )
Don't despair, the days are already getting longer in Denmark
The night sky at Herslev Havn near Roskilde. Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen / Ritzau Scanpix(ロスキレ近くの夜空)
The shortest day of the year has come and gone, and Denmark is heading towards brighter times.
This year, the winter solstice fell early on Sunday morning, which means that from now on the days are getting longer and nights shorter.
The winter solstice falls when the Earth tilts the furthest away from the Sun on its axis. In the Northern Hemisphere this usually happens around December 21st-23rd every year.
Denmark’s dark winters aren’t as severe as in Scandinavian neighbours Sweden and Norway, which both experience polar nights – when the sun doesn't rise at all for several weeks.
The long hours of darkness can still be felt in Denmark, however.
For example, in northern city Aalborg the sun will set at 3:40pm on Monday December 23rd and rise at 8:38am on Christmas Eve. Six months ago on Midsummer's Eve, it rose at 4:25am and set at 10:19pm. These times will come again.
Although the winter solstice marks the start of the change towards longer days, it will take a while to feel any effect.
The dark feeling of the last couple of months is likely to be carried into this year’s Christmas weather in Denmark, meanwhile.
“It will be a grey Christmas this year overall,” meteorologist Bolette Brødsgaard of the Danish Meteorological Institute told Ritzau.
“Christmas Eve will have a cloudy theme, and unfortunately also some rain now and then, so remember your umbrella,” Brødsgaard added.
Christmas Day and Boxing Day in Denmark will be a little drier with some chance of sunshine, so Christmas walks could be a more pleasant affair on these days.
しかし、デンマークでは夜が長く感じることに変わりはありません。(意訳) 例えば、北の街Aalborgでは、12月23日の月曜日は、午後の3時40分に日没となり、クリスマス・イブ(24日)の朝は8時38分に日の出を迎えます。6ヶ月前の夏至の前夜では、午前4時25分に日が昇り、午後の10時19分に日没となりました。こんな時がまたやって来ます。
(注: 以下、和訳を省略します。 クリスマスの天候はあまり好ましくない状況になりそうだとも伝えています。)
異常気象が無くなり、毎年、同じような時節を繰り返し迎えられるようになることを望みます。しかし、黙って、傍観しているだけでは気候変動(地球温暖化)を抑えることは出来ません、それだけはハッキリしています。 虚言や美辞麗句に満ち溢れた貧困な政治とはオサラバしたいものです。
*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。
Don't despair, the days are already getting longer in Denmark
The night sky at Herslev Havn near Roskilde. Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen / Ritzau Scanpix(ロスキレ近くの夜空)
The shortest day of the year has come and gone, and Denmark is heading towards brighter times.
This year, the winter solstice fell early on Sunday morning, which means that from now on the days are getting longer and nights shorter.
The winter solstice falls when the Earth tilts the furthest away from the Sun on its axis. In the Northern Hemisphere this usually happens around December 21st-23rd every year.
Denmark’s dark winters aren’t as severe as in Scandinavian neighbours Sweden and Norway, which both experience polar nights – when the sun doesn't rise at all for several weeks.
The long hours of darkness can still be felt in Denmark, however.
For example, in northern city Aalborg the sun will set at 3:40pm on Monday December 23rd and rise at 8:38am on Christmas Eve. Six months ago on Midsummer's Eve, it rose at 4:25am and set at 10:19pm. These times will come again.
Although the winter solstice marks the start of the change towards longer days, it will take a while to feel any effect.
The dark feeling of the last couple of months is likely to be carried into this year’s Christmas weather in Denmark, meanwhile.
“It will be a grey Christmas this year overall,” meteorologist Bolette Brødsgaard of the Danish Meteorological Institute told Ritzau.
“Christmas Eve will have a cloudy theme, and unfortunately also some rain now and then, so remember your umbrella,” Brødsgaard added.
Christmas Day and Boxing Day in Denmark will be a little drier with some chance of sunshine, so Christmas walks could be a more pleasant affair on these days.
しかし、デンマークでは夜が長く感じることに変わりはありません。(意訳) 例えば、北の街Aalborgでは、12月23日の月曜日は、午後の3時40分に日没となり、クリスマス・イブ(24日)の朝は8時38分に日の出を迎えます。6ヶ月前の夏至の前夜では、午前4時25分に日が昇り、午後の10時19分に日没となりました。こんな時がまたやって来ます。
(注: 以下、和訳を省略します。 クリスマスの天候はあまり好ましくない状況になりそうだとも伝えています。)
異常気象が無くなり、毎年、同じような時節を繰り返し迎えられるようになることを望みます。しかし、黙って、傍観しているだけでは気候変動(地球温暖化)を抑えることは出来ません、それだけはハッキリしています。 虚言や美辞麗句に満ち溢れた貧困な政治とはオサラバしたいものです。
*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。