

ドイツ(Germany 🇩🇪): deliberately

2019-01-02 12:21:09 | 日記
2019年1月2日(Wed.) 正月の、賑やかしい日々は続いています、我が家は。

さて、ドイツでも車による事件が引き起こされています。 ( ニュースソース: DWーDE 1月1日発 )

Germany: Man deliberately drives car at pedestrians
ドイツ: 男が意図的に歩行者に車をぶつけました。

A man has driven a car at groups of pedestrians in the Ruhr cities of Bottrop and Essen, injuring five people. Police say there are indications that the driver is mentally ill and holds xenophobic views.
事件はルール(都市名)で発生、5人が負傷しています。 警察によると、犯人は、精神的に外国人嫌いの性向があると見られています。(一部、意訳)

A man drove a car into pedestrians in two neighboring German cities overnight to New Year's Day, injuring five people in what police say could be attacks motivated by the xenophobic attitude of the driver.
Shortly after midnight, the 50-year-old man is reported to have driven a silver Mercedes deliberately at one male pedestrian in Bottrop, who managed to avoid being hit. The driver then continued on toward the inner city, where he rammed into a group of people standing next to the street, injuring at least four, some seriously.

Police say that the victims included Syrian and Afghan nationals.
The man also tried to drive into a group of people waiting at a bus stop in the neighboring Ruhr city of Essen, before he was stopped and arrested by police.

(超抜粋) この男は2カ所で事件を起こしています、NYDに。 50代の男がシルバーのメルセデスで、意図的に一人の歩行者を跳ねました、 Bottrop で。 男は続いて街中に向かい、通りにいたグループに突入しました。 少なくとも4人が負傷し、一部は重篤な状態です。
警察によると、被害者はシリアとアフガンの国籍を持っています。 また、この男は、さらにバス停の人に突っ込もうと試みました、警察に止められ逮捕される前に。

Fourth attack
Herbert Reul, the interior minister of the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), in which both cities are situated, said later on Tuesday that the man had tried to drive into yet another group of people in Essen, causing slight injury to one person.
The mayor of Bottrop, Bernd Tischler, said he was "horrified and deeply affected" by the attacks and hoped that those injured would recover quickly.
Tischler said that celebrations for the 100th anniversary of Bottrop's being given town privileges scheduled for Tuesday had been canceled "in view of the terrible events."

(超抜粋) 4回の攻撃: 当該都市のNRW州の内務大臣や、その他の市長等がコメントしています。(原文参照)

Anti-foreigner remarks
Police said the man, said to live in Essen, made racist comments after he was arrested. They also said they had received information suggesting that the man was suffering from a mental illness.
Reul said the driver had "the clear intention of killing foreigners" and that the incident "had to be taken very seriously."
He said that intensive investigations were underway, adding that there was "absolutely no tolerance" for violent criminals in NRW, no matter what their persuasion.
A 46-year-old woman had been in temporary danger of her life, and a child was among the injured, according to Reul.
The case recalls an incident in the city of Münster last April in which a man drove a van into people in a city square, killing four and injuring more than 20. The 48-year-old man then fatally shot himself. Police said the man was mentally ill and had wanted to commit suicide.

(超抜粋)男はエッセンに住んでいると考えられていて、人種差別者であり、且つ、精神的に病気を有しているとも・・・。(以下、原文参照。 ・・・ 原文サイトはこちら ・・・)


これまでのところ、“病気” が原因とも報じられていますが、ドイツやEU各国の移民・難民等の流入を考えると、こうした精神状態を生み出す要因も少なからず存在しているのではないでしょうか。

日本に於いても、見慣れない中東系の男性がグループを成して歩いている姿をしばしば見かけます。 偏見や先入観で見たり判断したりすることは好ましくありませんが、EUの現実を正視するならば、一定の不安は禁じ得ません。

日本の政策に過誤はないでしょうか? その政策の動機には疑念を持ちます。 そして、それが犯罪を誘発する恐れもあるでしょう、杞憂であることを望みますが。

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