2019年11月12日(Tue.)“ 第一次世界大戦”と言う言葉は、後になって付けられた呼び方であり、当初は“大戦争( Great War )”と呼ばれていたのですね。 それにしても、時の為政者の責任は重大であることに変わりはありません。何れの時代にあっても、国民・市民レベルでは、憎み合う理由など存在しないでしょう。その意味でも、為政者は、平和外交に徹する人を選びたいものです。ましてや、政治の私物化など、例えば、公金(税金)を私的に流用するなどは論外です。他の未解決の森友・加計問題も連想される事案が国会で追及されているようです。全体を俯瞰するのであれば、独裁政権のようです。加えて言うならば、連立政権を組む何れにも責任を問うべきです。
さて、Lest we forgot(忘れない為に)の言葉を一番理解しなければならないのは政治家でしょう。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie 11月11日発 )
Lest we forgot 210,000 Irish fought in the Great War – the world marks 105 years since the start of World War I
Image source: Irish Poppy
Today marks the day where 210,000 Irish fought in the Great War.
World leaders will gather at Ypres to attend a ceremony at Menin Gate, a memorial to the British and Commonwealth soldiers who died and whose burial places are unknown.
Ypres is a city which experienced heavy fighting through the four years of the war.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson along with an Irish contingent paid tribute to all the British and Irish soldiers who lost their lives in World War I.
Many people wear poppies as a sign of remembering the great soldiers who fought and were killed in battle – 50,000 of whom were Irish.
Lest We Forget. R.I.P. Heroes
忘れない為に、R.I.P.(rest in peace=安らかに眠れ) 英雄
*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。
さて、Lest we forgot(忘れない為に)の言葉を一番理解しなければならないのは政治家でしょう。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie 11月11日発 )
Lest we forgot 210,000 Irish fought in the Great War – the world marks 105 years since the start of World War I
Image source: Irish Poppy
Today marks the day where 210,000 Irish fought in the Great War.
World leaders will gather at Ypres to attend a ceremony at Menin Gate, a memorial to the British and Commonwealth soldiers who died and whose burial places are unknown.
Ypres is a city which experienced heavy fighting through the four years of the war.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson along with an Irish contingent paid tribute to all the British and Irish soldiers who lost their lives in World War I.
Many people wear poppies as a sign of remembering the great soldiers who fought and were killed in battle – 50,000 of whom were Irish.
Lest We Forget. R.I.P. Heroes
忘れない為に、R.I.P.(rest in peace=安らかに眠れ) 英雄
*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。