

ドイツ発(datelined Germany): Coronavirus

2020-02-14 18:16:33 | 日記
2020年2月14日(Fri.) バレンタインデーを単純に楽しむ余裕は無いのかも知れません。日本の各地でもCOVID19の感染事例が発表されており、正にこれは氷山の一角に等しい事態だと認識すべきでしょう。目に見えないウィルスとの闘いであり、考えられる防御策を自らも行うしかないと考えています。特に、閉鎖空間(室内等)での会合などは極力避けるべきなのでしょう、しばらくは。

さて、ドイツが報じる関連ニュースの一部を転載します。(ニュースソース: DWーDE 2月14日発 )

Coronavirus: China reports almost 5,000 new cases
With more than 100 more deaths and nearly 5,000 new infections, China's coronavirus shows no signs of peaking. In Cambodia, passengers disembarked from a cruise ship after virus fears kept them from five countries.
(超抜粋)中国でのピークはまだ見えていません(注: 続いています。) そして、例のクルーズ船の乗客の下船が始りました。(意訳)

The official death toll from the coronavirus outbreak in China's Hubei province rose by 116 on Friday, bringing the total death toll to 1,380.
Most of the deaths occurred in Wuhan, the province's capital where the COVID-19 virus is believed to have originated late last year.
Authorities reported 4,823 new cases in Hubei, bringing the total number of cases in the province to 55,748, largely concentrated in Wuhan.
The increase in cases came after health authorities started counting cases diagnosed through new clinical methods. There are currently several hundred coronavirus cases in 27 countries outside of China.

European containment working
German Health Minister Jens Spahn told DW that within Europe, detection and containment of the virus was working.
"So far it's just a regional epidemic outbreak in China, but we need to be sure that it does not become a real epidemic or a pandemic worldwide," Spahn said.
Yanzhong Huang, a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States, told DW that he expects new cases of coronavirus to drop between late April and early May.

・・・ 以下、転載省略。 原文サイトはこちら ・・・


全国新增确诊病例5090例 累计确诊63851例

新京报快讯 据国家卫健委网站消息,2月13日0—24时,31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增确诊病例5090例,新增重症病例2174例,新增死亡病例121例(湖北116例,黑龙江2例,安徽、河南、重庆各1例),新增疑似病例2450例。





(注: こちらの和訳も省略しますが、感染者は5,090人増加して、累計としては63,851人になっています。死亡者の累計は1,380人です。)



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