

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): edible coffee cups

2019-12-05 19:13:51 | 日記
2019年12月5日(Thu.) 使い捨てプラスティック容器からの脱却を試行する企業もあるようです。(ニュースソース: The Journal.ie 12月5日発 )

New Zealand airline trials edible coffee cups
New Zealand airline は、食べられるコーヒーカップを試行します。

The cups are baked from a biscuit base.

AIR NEW ZEALAND has begun trialling a new innovation in its battle against waste – an edible coffee cup.
The cups are baked from a biscuit base, are vanilla-flavoured, leak-proof and can double as a dessert bowl.
Nike Chave, of the airline, said while the company – which serves more than eight million cups of coffee a year – has been using compostable, plant-based cups for some time, it was aiming to “remove these totally from landfills”.
“We’ve been working in partnership with innovative New Zealand company Twiice to explore the future of edible coffee cups,” Chave said in a statement released by the airline.
“The cups have been a big hit with the customers who have used these and we’ve also been using the cups as dessert bowls.”
Chave says the airline would continue to trial the edible coffee cups and would work with Twiice and others to explore options that could make it a viable long-term product for the airline.

(超抜粋)AIR NEW ZEALAND は、廃棄物(無駄・浪費)に対する新しい試みに挑戦します。それは食べられるコーヒー・カップです。(意訳)このカップはビスケットをベースにしていて、バニラの香り、漏れ防止もされ、そして、デザート用の器としても使用可能です。

Twiice says the cup will not crumble like a biscuit, and will “stay crisp at least as long as it takes to drink your coffee, and longer”.
“It’s terrific that Air New Zealand has partnered with us to showcase to its customers and the world that a little bit of Kiwi ingenuity and innovation could have a really positive impact on the environment while at the same time delivering a really cool and tasty customer experience,” Twiice founder Jamie Cashmore said.

(超抜粋)共同している企業によると、このカップはビスケットのように砕けることはなく、コーヒーを飲める時間ほど長い時間カリカリしているのですと言います。(注: 以下、和訳を省略します。 原文を読み流して下さい。)

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