

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Airlines warned

2018-04-11 17:09:38 | 日記
2018年4月11日(Wed.) しばらくぶりの雨で、畑の作物も喜んでいると思います。(愛知県平野部)

さて、ニュースとは悲惨か腹立たしいようなものばかりかと、嘆きたくなるようなものが実に多いですね。 ( ニュースソース: Independent.ie 4月11日発 )

Airlines warned to take care due to possible missile strikes

April 11 2018 6:21 AM
Pan-European air traffic control agency Eurocontrol on Tuesday warned airlines to exercise caution in the eastern Mediterranean due to the possible launch of air strikes into Syria in next 72 hours.

(抜粋)EU航空管制総局( Eurocontrol ) は火曜日、今後の72時間において、中東地域におけるシリアに対するミサイル攻撃の可能性があるとして、航空会社に警告を発しています。

Eurocontrol said that air-to-ground and/or cruise missiles could be used within that period and there was a possibility of intermittent disruption of radio navigation equipment.

・・・ 以下、原文をサラリと読み流して下さい。 ・・・

U.S. President Donald Trump and Western allies are discussing possible military action to punish Syria's President Bashar Assad for a suspected poison gas attack on Saturday on a rebel-held town that long had held out against government forces.

Trump on Tuesday canceled a planned trip to Latin America later this week to focus instead on responding to the Syria incident, the White House said. Trump had on Monday warned of a quick, forceful response once responsibility for the Syria attack was established.

The Eurocontrol warning on its website did not specify the origin of any potential missile threat.

"Due to the possible launch of air strikes into Syria with air-to-ground and/or cruise missiles within the next 72 hours, and the possibility of intermittent disruption of radio navigation equipment, due consideration needs to be taken when planning flight operations in the Eastern Mediterranean/Nicosia FIR area," it said, referring to the designated airspace.

Aviation regulators in countries including the United States, United Kingdom, France and Germany have previously issued warnings against airlines entering Syrian airspace leading most carriers to avoid the area.

The only commercial flights above Syria as of 1:15 am GMT on Wednesday were being flown by Syrian Air and Lebanon's Middle East Airlines, according to flight tracking website FlightRadar24.

The Eurocontrol statement included a broader area outside the airspace controlled by Damascus.

The Nicosia flight information region named in the Eurocontrol statement on Tuesday covers the island of Cyprus and surrounding waters, according to a map on the agency's website. The same map did not designate any specific territory as being the "Eastern Mediterranean" region.

There has been heightened awareness by regulators and airlines of the risks that conflict zones pose to commercial jets since Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was downed by a surface-to-air missile over Ukraine in 2014, killing all 298 people on board.

Last year, North Korea tested missiles without warning, leading some airlines to re-route flights to avoid portions of the Sea of Japan.

(抜粋)2014年には、ウクライナ上空でマレーシア航空MH17便が地対空ミサイルで撃墜され298人が殺害されました。 また、昨年(2017年)、北朝鮮は警告なしにミサイル実験をしました・・・、日本海の一部を避けるようにとの警告なしに。

Eurocontrol's warning cited a document from the European Aviation Safety Agency, Europe's safety regulator, a copy of which was not immediately available.


シリアのアサド政権によると考えられている化学兵器使用による悲惨な死傷状況が報道されていますので、これに対するUS及び西側主要国による攻撃の可能性が高まっています。 それに伴う警戒措置です。


事実を意図的に歪曲し宣伝する手法は過去からも行われており、いわばオーウェリズム(歪曲報道)とも言いますが、政治闘争の中では戦術的に実施されていることです。 しかし、客観的に見て、動機がどちらにあるか等を考えれば犯人は見えてくるものです。

一方、日本国内における見苦しい安倍政権の言い逃れやゴマカシ・偏向報道などは、その限界が近づいているようです。 客観的に見れば、ほぼ事実はどれであるか、不自然なプロセスは何故起きたか、行政は何故歪められているのか、行政組織が自発的に不正をするのか・・・等々。 諸悪の根源は一点に集中しています。

*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。


