2020年1月16日(Thu.) 法令違反をしながらも、議員を辞職せずに居座り続ける輩がいるようです(日本でのことです)。違反だと知っていてやったことであれば当然許されないことですが、一方で、知らなかったと言うならば、それはそれで済まない話でしょう。つまり、何れにしてもアウトです。しかも、国民からの血税を食い物にしている税金泥棒に等しいのです。そして、辞職を促さない政権与党も同罪に見えてしまいます。自浄作用を失った集団は、悪の巣窟でしょう(以前からその臭いはプンプンさせていますが)。
さて、ドイツでは、憲法裁判所に対して訴える行動が出て来ています。(ニュースソース: DWーDE 1月15日発 )
Activists head to Germany's top court to protect the climate
Representatives from Fridays for Future, Greenpeace and others are planning to lodge a complaint with the Constitutional Court to force the German government into action over climate protection.
Fridays for Future からの代表者やグリーンピース等の代表者達は、憲法裁判所に対して、ドイツ政府が気候変動対策を講じるように訴える計画を進めています。

Young Climate activists and several environmental organizations are to lodge three new constitutional complaints against the federal government and the German parliament, the Bundestag.
The groups, including Greenpeace, Germanwatch and the German Environmental Aid Association (DUH), want to see Germany's climate laws revised. They revealed details of their plan on Wednesday in Berlin.
Luisa Neubauer, from Fridays for Future, is also involved. "Together with some other young people, I will file a climate change suit with the Federal Constitutional Court," she tweeted.
Fridays for Future からの代表者は、私達は他の若人と共に、気候変動に関する訴えを連邦憲法裁判所に提出するつもりであると述べています。
"It's no longer about future generations," Neubauer said at the press conference. "It's about us."
The activists also discussed the current status of a climate suit filed by BUND — Friends of the Earth Germany association, at the end of 2018.
The first environmental lawsuit against the federal government was submitted by three farming families in October 18, according to Der Spiegel. The Berlin Administrative Court dismissed the suit, which was filed with the help of Greenpeace.
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さて、ドイツでは、憲法裁判所に対して訴える行動が出て来ています。(ニュースソース: DWーDE 1月15日発 )
Activists head to Germany's top court to protect the climate
Representatives from Fridays for Future, Greenpeace and others are planning to lodge a complaint with the Constitutional Court to force the German government into action over climate protection.
Fridays for Future からの代表者やグリーンピース等の代表者達は、憲法裁判所に対して、ドイツ政府が気候変動対策を講じるように訴える計画を進めています。

Young Climate activists and several environmental organizations are to lodge three new constitutional complaints against the federal government and the German parliament, the Bundestag.
The groups, including Greenpeace, Germanwatch and the German Environmental Aid Association (DUH), want to see Germany's climate laws revised. They revealed details of their plan on Wednesday in Berlin.
Luisa Neubauer, from Fridays for Future, is also involved. "Together with some other young people, I will file a climate change suit with the Federal Constitutional Court," she tweeted.
Fridays for Future からの代表者は、私達は他の若人と共に、気候変動に関する訴えを連邦憲法裁判所に提出するつもりであると述べています。
"It's no longer about future generations," Neubauer said at the press conference. "It's about us."
The activists also discussed the current status of a climate suit filed by BUND — Friends of the Earth Germany association, at the end of 2018.
The first environmental lawsuit against the federal government was submitted by three farming families in October 18, according to Der Spiegel. The Berlin Administrative Court dismissed the suit, which was filed with the help of Greenpeace.
・・・ 原文サイトはこちら ・・・
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