one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


ポスターの夏休み l'ete reserve

2006-03-18 18:23:04 | what?why?(ん?)

Posters on the wall of a station are usually abolished in a few weeks.
This poster was laid on this wall which would be soon in the construction site and nobody could remove the poster.
The japanese sentence on the poster means: they want the summer holiday would keep longer and longer.
Yes, the summer holiday of this poster have kept for eight months.

(@西浦和駅 Nishiurawa station, Saitama city)
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春の田 riziere

2006-03-18 18:21:17 | sky/weather/season

The water is now full in the rice field for the preparition of this year.

(@田島 Tajima, Sakura ward, Saitama city, Saitama prefecture)
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駅の鯉 carp koi

2006-03-18 18:19:03 | birds, fish and others(生物)

The temperature goes up a little, koi carps begin to swim slowly in the pond beside the railway truck.

(@田端駅 Tabata station, Kita ward)
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仙台味噌ラーメン Miso Lahmen

2006-03-18 18:16:35 | Foods(食)

The sendai miso is the most famous red soy sauce. It tastes simply salty.
This lahmen with Sendai miso soupe is good for me because Sendai is my home town. But this bowl of lahmen keeps unpopular in the Saitama prefecture and the shop is closed after a few months. The ambition of invading into the Tokyo district of the owner fails.
(I did not have a bowl of Sendai miso lahmen at Sendai. I firstly knew the name of Sendai miso lahmen at Saitama city.)
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