one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


朝日ひさびさ lever de solei

2006-03-13 19:41:50 | sky/weather/season

This winter I have taken the very early morning train every day to arrive at the Nishiurawa station around six fifteen. So I could not able to watch the sun rising on the water around here.
But the time of sun rising got earlier and earlier day by day.
And at last I can take a picture of the rising sun.
(北朝霞・西浦和間 between Kita-asaka station and Nishi-urawa station)
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田端風景 deux espece d'image

2006-03-13 19:40:44 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I can't understand why public officers spend our tax to construct these sculptures.
(田端駅付近、near the Tabata station, Kita ward)
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バレリーナの卵 petites danseuses

2006-03-13 19:38:43 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

There is a sort of aptitude for dancer.
The mothers are slim and have good shape legs like their daughters.

(@西浦和駅 Nishi-urawa station , Saitama prefecture)
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