one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


高島屋の壁 mur

2006-03-15 04:55:10 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I find this picture on the wall in the building of the Takashimaya department store. The picture seems to me it painted two centuries ago.
(They constructed this building only ten years ago.)

(新宿 Shinjuku, Shinjuku ward)
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渡廊下 pont

2006-03-15 04:53:40 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

People walk across this bridge back to a department store from a big book store.
The height from the ground is over twenty meters.

(南新宿 Minami-shinjuku, Shinjuku ward)
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フカヒレ? ou est le nageoire de du requin?

2006-03-15 04:51:52 | Foods(食)

"What do you have now?", my coworker asks me.
"I ordered the rice bowl with shark fin, didn't I?. "
"Where are the tissue of fin? I can see none of them."
"I can do, too."
"Does it taste shark fin?"
"Yes, it tastes shark fin, I believe."

It is the cheapest dish of shark fin in my life.
It is only six hundred and thirty yens.

(@田島,Tajima, Sakura ward, Saitama city, Saitama prefecture)
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