

I post about oregano today.

2017-09-11 09:23:22 | 日記


The other day I uploaded articles about herbal medicine nutmeg though, I post about oregano today.

It is said that oregano has a function of keeping good for gastrointestinal condition and helping digestion. If you eat too much, you'd better drink oregano herb tea, that will help digestion.
※gastrointestinal…胃腸の ♪ガスtろインテスティノゥ
digestion…消化 ♪ダイジェスチョン

This herb also has a tonic effect, which is said to be effective in ridding mental and physical fatigue.
It is one of the recommended herbs for tired people.

In addition, oregano has a sedative effect, calms excited nerve. It relieves headaches, menstrual pain, muscle spasms and so on, it is known as an antitussive.
・sedative…鎮静作用の、鎮静剤 ♪セドゥティヴ
・antitussive…鎮咳薬 ♪アンティターセヴ or アンタイターセヴ
♪menstrual pain…メンツトゥろゥペイン

The pregnant person, please avoid use.

Features of Oregano
Oregano is also known as Wild Majoram, it is a durable herb for cold and dryness.
Oregano is compatible with cheese and tomato, it is an indispensable herb for Italian dishes such as pasta and pizza. It is often used for Greek and Mexican cuisine, too.
The leaves dried than the raw leaves have a better scent and are used as spices.
・durable…耐久性のある ♪ダーらボゥ
・compatible…相性が良い ♪カm'パーらボゥ
・an indispensable…不可欠な(≒essential) アーニン ディスペンザボゥ
・scent…匂い、香り、香気 ♪センt
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