オサンポ walk - スズメ見なくね?14 we haven't seen many sparrows?

2017年01月06日 | 日記

→I saw it
Sparrows in a new year


The three days of a new year, (1st, 2nd and 3rd, we usually have days off as a new year holiday), we had fine days, it was lovely. I saw many sparrows, because of it? When I catch their songs, it's easier to find them because of winter.
But it's very difficult to photograph them... as soon as I hold my iPhone, they fly away... the photo above, it's better.
A few days ago, when I walked along the side at the flowerbed, one sparrow suddenly jumped up and flew away. I love this "bump into" sparrows! In this winter, can we think that the number of sparrow would be enough...?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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