


2011-11-05 14:25:18 | フィリピン生活



From Brr. Francis Young.

Dear Sir/Madam.

Compliments to you; I do sincerely apologize for intruding into your private life, However I have a serious project which I believe would be of Interest to you for this reason, I cannot but reach out to you.

I am Barrister Francis Young, a solicitor at law.I am contacting you to seek for your assitance in investing my late clients money in your company. My client died in the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami that struck parts of Thailand. Since then, his bank account which contains the sum of (US$18.6 Million Dollars) Eighteen Million, Six Hundred Thousand Dollars Only, has being dormant.

I was given an ultimatum from his Bank to provide a member of his family, and I have written several letters to his embassy to locate any member of his family but all efforts lost.I want to present you as the NEXT OF KIN of my late client to enable you put a claim to the funds so that the bank will transfer the money to any bank account that you shall provide.

If we don't claim this money No one would, and the money would be confiscated by the bank, I feel it is rather appropriate that we team up and claim this money and use 20% of the money to help the poor and the less privileged in our society, then you and I would share the money, 40% to me and 40% to you. Rather than allow the bank to confiscate the money. I intend to invest my own share in your company or any profitable business venture in your country that you will suggest to me, which shall be unders your control.

For more details, Kindly indicate your interest via my private email address: brrfrancisyoung@live.com ,

I wait to hear from you as soon as possible.

Best Regards,

Barrister Francis Young (Esq).
