青春タイムトラベル ~ 昭和の街角

昭和・平成 ~良き時代の「街の景色」がここにあります。

トヨタ ~バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー30周年 CM

2016-03-11 | 青春・名画劇場

2015年10月21日は、映画「バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー PART2」でデロリアンに乗ったマーティとドクが、過去からやってきた日です。いろいろなところで記事になっていますが、日本時間では実は翌日の10月22日です!(時差の関係)





Marty, you've got to come back with me! Where?? Back to the future! I'm a huge back to the future fan. Especially all that crazy technology. That's why I got into science and ended up getting my masters in aero-mechanical engineering. I'm Nisha by the way, and I'm thrilled Toyota has picked me to meet my heroes and show them an amazing piece of technology that might inspire them! just like they inspired all of us.

Hoverboards? We haven't gotten them yet but we've got 3D movies! We have fingerprint technology, and those self tying sneakers. I've been waiting for those dog walking robots? We haven't gotten there yet can you believe fax machines are still around? Yeah I've got a fax machine who do you fax? I fax the people I fax! I know a guy in Ohio who has a fax machine, do you fax him? Well, I'll fax you! If you fax me I'll get back to you. You're rough (laughing)

This might be him. Hi guys! Nisha, I'm Michael. So you're like a real Doc Brown, huh? I wouldn't go that far, but I'm a scientist, yeah. So October 21st, 2015, I can't believe this day has nearly arrived. It's a big deal, you've got a pizza hydration or something? Flying cars? Hoverboards? Trash compacting robot? Almost. You remember the Mr.Fusion from the D'lorean? So that's why you had me bring this trash. So you're gonna turn that into energy? Precisely. I'm gonna show you how you can turn your trash into fuel. But I'm gonna need a lot more than this, I'll see you on the 21st.

Later, Nisha! I liked him. He's got a pep in his step. Nice ride! Thank you! Who's that? Some film crew that paid for our trash.

Didn't have the time to paint it or build it to scale, I see. that is the Toyota Mirai, it's a fuel cell car. It's powered by hydrogen which in its monatomic form.... English! Sorry, let's start at the beginning. So when I last left you guys I went on a little trash collection journey. You might recognize some of these locations. The end of the journey was at the landfill, where all the trash gets placed, decomposes, and produces an enormous amount of bio gas. a special facility then receives the purified gas, combined with natural gas from the grid where it all gets processed into hydrogen.

Hydrogen? Are you telling me this sucker's nuclear? No this sucker's electrical - all that hydrogen is piped and transported into a fuel station, where we can then fuel our vehicle. A vehicle, Which if my calculations are correct, should be arriving right about now. Give me a minute.

It works right? You bet your ass it works! Are we gonna take it for a spin or what? Let's get this baby up to 88! Just drive. Come on Chris, Give us a 'Great Scott!' Great Scott!
