A Torontonian Life


Winter time

2008-11-13 | カナダレポ
Daylight saving time ended a couple of weeks ago. It's so good that it's brignt in the morning when I leave home. It used to be really dark when I used to leave at 7:00 am in the morning! But now it's already dark by the time I get home around 6:00 pm! Good or bad...

We have a "winter time" at my workplace. :)
We could get to choose to either come in late, take an 1/2 hr lunch break, or take 1/2 hr lunch break and leave the office 30 minutes early. Most of parents chose to come in at 8 am and leave at 3:30 pm! I on the other hand chose to come in at 9 am and leave at 4:30 pm! This way gives me a little more time in the hectic mornings! Unluckily, I live far from my workplace, so I still need to get up early though...Oh well. I am hoping to move somewhere close next Spring...


それより、今度Conferenceがあって、仕事で時間外になるようなことや、車を出さないといけないことがあるんだけど、カナダ人は『家庭が一番大事!』なので、みんな口をそろえて、『I cant, I cant』と首を振って言いつづけます。『I cant do this, you know I cant do this.. 』


