
時に末日聖徒/モルモン教への私見含むメモ帳にて御座候 ほな毎度どんもにて 御きげんよろしゅうで御座候

マウンテン・メドウの虐殺  その5

2013-09-16 16:04:47 | 教会の歴史 




アンの両親は共に、アイルランド出身で(母は1842年、モルモンに改宗)47年、結婚、同年、オーストラリアに移住。アンはオーストラリアで誕生。53年、父溺死。地元の教会員らは、母にアメリカに移民することを勧め、54年カリフォルニアへ(母は再婚)、57年にユタ州ビーバー町に。63年、アンは、ジョン・D・リーと結婚。(本人は13歳であったと)3人の子供(長男 67年、長女 68年、末子)71年、リーのもとを去る。長男長女を、他の妻たちが養育。


・リーは、母にアンとの結婚許可を強要、脅す。(結婚 於いて、ソルトレーク・シティのエンダウメント・ハウス)



       http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ira_Hatch  (1835 – 1909)


「ブリガム(1801-77)は、1832年バプテスマを受けると、同年、兄や弟たちと共に、ニューヨーク州にある家を発って、ジョセフに会うべくオハイオ州カートランドに向かったんですね、で、予言者ジョセフの家で・・・・で、何かブリガムに祝福を与えましょうということになって、ブリガムの頭の上に手をおいてジョセフの口から出た言葉は、ある期間(ある時期になると)、ブリガムは教会を導く者となるであろう、が、しかし、彼には一つだけ危険な側面があるだろう、彼の富への愛着が、それであろう(危険や誘惑につきまとわれてしまう、何故なら、彼の富を愛する性質の故)ということです。    ブリガムの正体見えたり?! その8     2013-04-24 08:56:36  |」

""Benjamin Franklin Johnson“Of Brigham Young as President of the Church, I will again bear this as a faithful testimony that I do know and bear record that upon the head of Brigham Young as chief, with the Apostleship in full, was by the voice of the Prophet Joseph in my hearing, laid the full responsibility of bearing of[f] the kingdom of God to all the world . . . . [When Brigham Young first met Joseph Smith and spoke in tongues in the Adamic languaue the Prophet] at that time, made the prediction upon the head of Brigham Young that ‘at some period he would become the leader of the Church, and that there would be one danger to beset him, and that would be his love of wealth.’ These things were told to me by [Lyman R.] Sherman [i.e., Johnson’s brother-in-law] at near the time of their occurrence” (E. Dale LeBaron, Benjamin Franklin Johnson: Friend to the Prophets [Provo, Utah: Grandin Book Co., 1997], 232, 233).

""And to show more fully his leading traits and general "personal character," I will go back to relate that soon after embracing the gospel in 1832, Brigham Young started with his brother from their home in the state of New York, to visit the Prophet at Kirtland, and on their way called upon us at Pomfret, N.Y., who had received the gospel just before them, and remaining overnight with my sister's husband, Lyman R. Sherman. And while at evening in animated conversation upon the gifts as promised to accompany the gospel, the spirit came upon Brother Sherman in mighty power, and he opened his mouth in an unknown tongue, to the great surprise and joy of all, and I think that Brother Brigham also at that time received the gift; Brother Lyman R. Sherman being the first known to have spoken in the gift of tongues by the power of God in this dispensation. And on Brother Brigham arriving in Kirtland at the Prophet's home, being called to lead in family prayer, as a surprise even to the Prophet, he opened his mouth in a strange tongue, the first heard by him, which he said at once was in the language of our first parents. And he, at that time, made the Prediction upon the head of Brigham Young that "at some period he would become the leader of the Church, and that there would be but one danger to beset him, and that would be his love of wealth." These things were told me by Brother Sherman at near the time of their occurrence, who remained almost as the right hand of the Prophet until the day of his death. And while I am witness that after the prophet's death that Brigham Young became Israel's great leader, a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, to the Church in all the world, ,I yet know that he was a great financier and at times did manifest a love for wealth, and did make mistakes, some of which he may not have lived fully to rectify. But with all of his mistakes, private or public, his voice was ever the voice of the true shepherd to Israel. And in looking for mistakes, I feel admonished to look after my own personality, which""

