独断偏見妄言録 China's Threat


China's strategy for conquering the world

2014年01月02日 22時31分03秒 | 中国
Stupidly not only the United States accused Prime Minister Abe for visiting Yasukuni shrine (December 26, 2013,) but also refused Japan-U.S. talks. I was disappointed with President Obama who cannot see the Chinese strategy.

The ultimate aim of China is to dominate the world.
The first sacrifice to that pass will be Japan, and the next may be the United States.
Chinese basic strategy is to cut off Japan-US alliance for avoiding a situation to fight simultaneously with both.

China will threaten American citizen with nuclear attack for preventing intervention of US to the war with Japan. The war of words with stirring up a sense of fear and heating up an antiwar movement in US has already begun.
Millions of Chinese got into the United States and developed various sabotages for confusing finances and communications as well as stealing military secrets and industrial technologies.

There is very scaring speech told by a Chinese military executive.
War Is Not Far from Us and Is the Midwife of the Chinese Century
Leading CCP official argues for exterminating U.S. population
By Chi Haotian Aug 08, 2005

The following is a transcript of a speech believed to have been given by Mr. Chi Haotian, Minster of Defense and vice-chairman of China’s Central Military Commission. Independently verifying the authorship of the speech is not possible. It is worth reading because it is believed to set out the CCP’s strategy for the development of China. The speech argues for the necessity of China using biological warfare to depopulate the United States and prepare it for a future massive Chinese colonization. “The War Is Not Far from Us and Is the Midwife of the Chinese Century” was published on February 15, 2005 on www.peacehall.com and was published on www.boxun.com on April 23, 2005. This speech and a related speech, “The War Is Approaching Us” are analyzed in The Epoch Times original article “The CCP’s Last-ditch Gamble: Biological and Nuclear War.”

The speech may be quite reasonable for a Chinese strategist, and is believed to be genuine.

There are enough reasons why China wants to conquer the world.
China’s land is too small for 1,300 million people, polluted by all the filth, troubled by desertification and shortage of water, and too scarce of natural resources.
China is continuing military buildup that is more rapid than the Nazis.

China was aggressive and had invaded in Tibet, Uygur, Vietnam, Philippines, Japan, India and Russia.

Japanese know the Chinese ambition, cruelty and violence well.
But, the world is coaxed by Chinese appeal for their peaceful development.
Watch this link about the militancy of Chinese.
The demonstrators shouted to annihilate the all Japanese by nuclear attack.

According to the amazon book review of “Mao: The Unknown Story” by Jung Chang, Jon Halliday (2006), after Mao conquered China in 1949, his secret goal was to dominate the world. In chasing this dream he caused the deaths of 38 million people in the greatest famine in history. In all, well over 70 million Chinese perished under Mao’s rule ― in peacetime.

Chinese don’t care about Mao’s crime and failure because they are too accustomed to violence and cruelty.
In China, Mao Zedong is still absolute existence like God.
Now, China is chasing the Mao’s dream for dominating the world, making nuclear and biological armaments, bullying neighboring countries, and stealing technological information from advanced nations.

[Jan.4, 2014]

Chinese Nuclear Tunnels:The Underground Great Wall

U.S. students dig up China's nuclear secrets: Arsenal could be huge
The Chinese have called it their "Underground Great Wall," a vast network of tunnels designed to hide their country's increasingly sophisticated missile and nuclear arsenal.

China’s Underground “Great Wall”: A Success for Nuclear Primacy
Oct 25, 2011
By Eli Jacobs

Nuclear security analysts are becoming increasingly worried about China’s development of a 3000-mile underground “Great Wall” to shelter their nuclear weapons. The tunnel network introduces serious doubts about the United States’ ability to carry out a disarming nuclear first strike against China, by introducing uncertainty about the number of Chinese weapons, their location within the underground fortress, and the capability of U.S. weapons to penetrate into the bunker.

Despite complicating the effectiveness of a U.S. first strike, the Chinese construction of a tunnel system validates the strategy of seeking nuclear primacy over China. By forcing the Chinese pursuit of numerous defensive measures to ensure second-strike capability, the United States reduces the amount of money China can spend to improve their nuclear weapons. The resulting relative lack of appealing first-strike options may make China think twice before escalating from conventional to nuclear war and, more significantly, may dissuade China from creating conditions that could produce conventional conflict in the first place.

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