山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)


Niimi English Salon #144 (NIEA's English Lesson 4)

2011-12-01 04:52:43 | 日記
We had Niimi English Salon session #144 on November 22nd.

Five ALTs(Andrew, Caroline, Elizabeth, Melissa, and Nathan) attended and helped us learn English this time.

Nathan, who attended for the first time in this series of the lessons, introduced himself.

After that, all the ALTs shared travel-related experiences with us.

Then we practiced English conversation on a flight with this model dialogue:

On a flight
Flight attendant: Would you please return your seat to the upright position and put down your tray table?
Passenger: OK.
Flight attendant: Chicken or beef?
Passenger: Chicken, please.
Flight attendant: Something to drink?
Passenger: May I have some red wine?
Flight attendant: Sure. Here you are.

This time, we used Niimi College's auditorium as the venue, and the seating there is perfect and ideal for practicing English conversation on a flight.

Next we practiced immigration conversation with this model dialogue:

At the Immigration
Immigration officer: Next! May I see your passport and immigration card?
Traveler: Yes, here you are.
Immigration officer: What’s the purpose of your visit?
Traveler: I’m here for sightseeing.
Immigration officer: How long are you going to stay in this country?
Traveler: For ten days.
Immigration officer: Where are you staying?
Traveler: I’m staying at ABC Hotel.
Immigration officer: Please let me take your fingerprints and eye picture. Thank you. Enjoy your stay.

Since the three ALTs are from the US, and the other two are from Canada, every participant practiced 3 times with the US immigration, and twice at Canadian immigration.

We did not have much time left for this hotel conversation, but this is the model dialogue I made for the practice:

At a hotel
Hotel clerk: Hello. May I help you?
Traveler: Hello. I’d like to check in, please. My name is Neil Hotelings. I believe I have a reservation.
Hotel clerk: How do you spell your name?
Traveler: That’s N-E-I-L H-O-T-E-L-I-N-G-S.
Hotel clerk: One moment, please, Mr. Hotelings. Ah, yes. For five nights.
Traveler: I’d like a single room with a bath.
Hotel clerk: No problem. Would you fill in this registration card, please?
Traveler: Here you are.
Hotel Clerk: Thank you. This is your room key. You are in Room 123.
Traveler: Thank you.

I believe every participant enjoyed this lesson.
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