山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)



2022-12-26 10:15:40 | 日記
My comment at the speech contest Kiyoshi Yamauchi
December 4, 2021

Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Hello, my name is Kiyoshi Yamauchi (or Yamauchi Kiyoshi) and I’m professor of English at Niimi University. Congratulations on your wonderful performance and hard work for your presentation! Every year I am lucky enough to be invited to this speech contest. I enjoy listening to your speeches every time. The reason I enjoy this speech contest every year is perhaps because I liked English when I was a junior high school student like you do now. Do you like English? That’s very nice.
By the way do you know about an NHK drama “Come Come English”? Maybe your parents or grandparents know this drama and watch this every morning. In this drama the main character listens to the radio English Conversation lesson. Mr. Tadaichi Hirakawa who is from Takahashi City taught this radio English Conversation Lesson. He was very popular all over Japan. Mr. Hirakawa proposed to establish Come Come Club. If you belonged to the club you can talk to any other member of the club any time. So similarly I would like to propose establishing Niimi Come Come Club and all of you are members now. So when you see me or any of the ALTs or any Japanese teachers of English in town, you can always speak to us in English. Or if you see any other student member in town or at a school event, you can speak with each other in English. If you want to speak to me in English, or you want to ask me anything about English you can always come to me in Niimi University, or you can send me an email anytime. I do hope that by establishing an English-friendly environment, we can make Niimi City more international. Please keep studying English every day.
Thank you very much.

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