山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)


Peaceful Peace Park in New Paltz on September 11, 2012

2012-09-13 11:08:07 | 日記
I uploaded photos of "Peaceful Skies of Osa, Niimi" on the morning of September 11, 2012.

David Caccamo, President of New Paltz International Exchange Association, and a good friend of mine in New Paltz also sent me peaceful pictures.

Between our sister cities, The Village of New Paltz, NY and Niimi City, September 11 has been a very special day.

The 2001 delegation from former Osa Town (including myself) was stranded at LaGuardia Airport due to the terrorist attacks on the morning of September 11, eleven years ago.

We were at Peace Park twice on that day, saying goodbye to our friends in New Paltz and leaving for the airport very early in the morning for the first time, and feeling secured in our home away from home with our kind friends after fleeing from the airport at almost midnight for the second time.
(This sculpture was not there in 2011.)

The other day, I met Kazuhiko Kanayama, the sculptor of this artwork.

He is very much proud of this piece in the Peace Park.
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