山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)


Presidential Campain, not Campaign (Clinton vs. Trump)

2016-10-12 23:37:30 | 日記

大統領選挙では、いつも、ライバル候補に対するネガティブ・キャンペーン(negative campaign, 悪口合戦)が行われるのですが、今回の両候補間の悪口合戦は、あまりにひどい。



Presidential TV Debate has finished.

I already know that negative campaign against the opponent is a usual tactics, but it seems that this presidential campaign is worse than usual, and is something which should be called "campain" not campaign, because it is really painful to see the debate.

I know some of my US friends are Democratic, and some Republican, and even some other party supporters, so I tried to keep silent about this presidential campaign until the result of this election is clear.

But I changed my mind and am writing about this "campain."

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