

スウェーデン(Sweden 🇸🇪): climate activist Greta

2019-02-23 18:20:11 | 日記
2019年2月23日(Sat.) 花粉が飛んでいるようです。車を運転中に、クシャミで重大事故に至った事例もあるようですから、気をつけたいものです、お互いに。

さて、“Fridays For Future” の活動は世界の各地に広まりつつあるようです。ちなみに、日本でも国会前で行われたようです。 ( ニュースソース: THE LOCAL.se 2月22日発 )

Swedish teen climate activist Greta brings school strike protest to Paris
スウェーデンの十代の気候変動活動家の Greta は、パリにもその活動をもたらしています。(意訳)

Greta Thunberg's sign reads 'school strike for the climate'. Photo: AP Photo/Francois Mori

Swedish teenage climate campaigner Greta Thunberg was joined by hundreds of students in Paris on Friday, as she brought her growing protest to the French capital.
(抜粋) 金曜日、スウェーデン人の十代活動家の Greta Thunberg は、パリで多くの生徒と合流しました。彼女の抗議活動をフランスの首都に持ち込む為です。

The Friday protests that the 16-year-old Swede launched in August have gained little traction so far in France, where the landmark COP21 international accord on cutting emissions was signed in 2015.

After urging the EU in Brussels to move more aggressively on greenhouse gas cuts on Thursday, Thunberg then travelled to Paris where she met up with young activists from France, Belgium and Germany for a march which was also joined by French actress Juliette Binoche.

"I never thought it would get so big and I think it's amazing," she said of her campaign, speaking to journalists ahead of the march. "We, children, we should not have to do this, adults should be taking responsibility."

A crowd of around 1,000 people took part in the protest in central Paris, one of dozens planned in cities across Europe as part of her Fridays For Future movement.

But outside Paris, only two other class-cutting marches have been organized – one in Beauvais just north of Paris and one in the southwestern city of Dax.

Last Friday, only around 200 students protested outside the environment ministry in Paris.

(超抜粋) 16歳のスウェーデン人が8月に開始した金曜日の抗議活動は、これまでのところ、フランスでは小さな牽引力にしかなっていません。
パリの中央部での抗議活動は、およそ1,000人が参加しました。 ヨーロッパの各地で計画されている “Fridays For Future” 活動の一部として行われたものです。
パリ以外では、2ヶ所で行われたのみでした。 先週の金曜日は、僅か200人ほどの生徒がパリの環境省の外で抗議しただけでした。

'It takes time to mobilize'
"I don't know why young people mobilize massively in some countries and not others," Thunberg said in an interview with Le Parisien which was published on Friday.

"France, the country of COP21, needs to do what it says it will," she added.

Greta Thunberg speaking with European Commission boss Jean-Claude Juncker on Thursday. Photo: AP Photo/Virginia Mayo

Under the 2015 Paris deal to limit global warming to well below 2C, the EU's 28 member states have pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 percent by 2030, compared to 1990.

Still, France's climate efforts have come increasingly under the spotlight since August when high-profile green activist Nicolas Hulot resigned abruptly as environment minister saying the government was not making enough progress.

"There have been other social movements which were very active" in France, said 22-year-old Romaric Thurel, one of the coordinators of Youth For Climate France.

"France is a big country and it takes time to mobilize, but we feel a shift."

・・・ 以下、転載略。 原文サイトはこちら ・・・


地球温暖化・気候変動に対する対策不足を訴える彼女の行動を応援します。 大人が責任を持って対応すべきことです。 稚拙な争いを続けるのではなく、持続可能な社会や世界を構築する為の行動を起こすべきです。

論点や観点の全く異なる、利己的で稚拙な、また、戦前回帰の安倍政権では全くムリです。 即時、排除すべきです。

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