

ドイツ(Germany 🇩🇪): Germany seeks talks with

2020-01-05 14:54:47 | 日記
2020年1月5日(Sun.) 中東の緊張が究極に高まっていますが、ドイツは対話の道を探っているようです。このような行動は、USに追随する安倍政権には期待出来そうにありません。(ニュースソース: DWーDE 1月5日発 )

Germany seeks talks with Iran to ease tensions
European leaders have called for calm after the US airstrike that killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. Despite heightened anxiety in the region, there are no plans to increase Germany's troop deployment in Iraq.

Germany's foreign minister said Saturday he is hoping for direct talks with Iran, in addition to the country's European partners and the United Nations, as a way of de-escalating tensions in the Middle East following the US assassination of Qassem Soleimani.
Heiko Maas told the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag: "In the coming days, we will do all we can to counteract a further escalation of the situation — in the United Nations, the EU and in dialogue with our partners in the region, including in talks with Iran."

Despite heightened anxiety in the region, Maas said he had no plans to increase Germany's deployment of around 120 troops in Iraq.
"The fight against ISIS is and remains in Germany's interest, and the Bundeswehr is providing important training to this end on the ground," Maas said, using another name for the "Islamic State" group.

(超抜粋)ドイツの外務大臣が土曜日(注: 昨日)発言しています。彼は、イランとの直接の対話を望んでいます。さらに、ヨーロッパ諸国や国連も加えて、中東地域の緊張を和らげる為にです。
また、イラクで展開するドイツ兵を増強するかどうかは未定であるとも言います。(注: 原文を流し読みして下さい。)

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