

BBC発: French 'yellow vest' protester

2019-02-10 17:16:11 | 日記
2019年2月10日(Sun.) フランスでの13週連続になる 'yellow vest' 抗議活動が報じられています。 ( ニュースソース: BBC 2月10日発 )

French 'yellow vest' protester loses fingers in violent unrest

Police officers throw tear gas grenades in Paris during the 13th consecutive demonstration by the "yellow vests"
13週連続となる yellow vests デモで、警察は催涙ガス弾を使用しています。

A "yellow vest" protester in France had his fingers ripped off during clashes at the parliament building in Paris, as the protests went into their 13th week.

The protester attempted to pick up a rubber pellet grenade and it exploded in his hand, French media reported.
There was also an arson attack on the home of the head of France's National Assembly, though it was not clear if the attack was linked to the protests.
The "yellow vest" protests began in mid-November over fuel taxes.
They have since broadened into a revolt against the President, Emmanuel Macron, and a political class seen as out of touch with common people.
According to French government figures, 51,400 people joined the protests on Saturday, 4,000 of them in Paris. That was down from the previous week, when official figures put the number at 58,600, 10,500 in Paris.
Representatives for the yellow vests disputed the previous week's numbers, claiming the turnout was higher.
In Paris on Saturday, the protesters marched from the Champs-Elysees to the city's parliament buildings, where a violent contingent broke down barriers and threw projectiles at police. Police responded with tear gas and anti-riot munitions.

(超抜粋) 抗議者の一人が、デモの最中に指を失いました。 この抗議者は、ゴム弾を拾って投げようとしたところ、手の中で爆発したのでした。 この他に放火事件が発生していますが、抗議と関係があるのかどうか定かではありません。
Yellow vest は、ガソリン税の件で、11月中旬から始まったものです。 そして、マクロン大統領に反対する活動として広がって来ているものです。
フランス政府の発表によると、全国で51,400人が土曜日の抗議に参加し、その内の4,000人はパリでした。 前週は、58,600人で、パリは10,500人だったのです。 (以下、略)

Cars have been set on fire close to the yellow vests' protest in Bordeaux

According to an eyewitness, the person who lost their hand was a photographer attempting to take pictures of people breaking down barriers around the National Assembly building.
"When the cops went to disperse people, he got hit by a sting-ball grenade in the calf," 21-year-old Cyprien Royer told AFP news agency. "He wanted to bat it away so it didn't explode by his leg and it went off when he touched it.
"We put him to one side and called the street medics. It wasn't pretty: he was screaming with pain, he had no fingers - he didn't have much above the wrist."
Paris police confirmed that a demonstrator was injured in the hand and been treated by paramedics, but did not identify the victim.

Tens of thousands of protesters turned out in other parts of France, including the port cities of Marseille and Montpellier and also in Bordeaux and Toulouse in the southwest.
Eight police officers were lightly injured during clashes with protesters in Bordeaux, local police said.
Politicians came together to condemn the arson attack on the home of Richard Ferrand, a close ally of Mr Macron, in Motreff, Brittany.
Mr Ferrand published pictures on Twitter of his scorched living room, writing: "Nothing justifies intimidations and violence towards an elected official of the Republic."

(超抜粋) 目撃者によると、指を失くしたのはカメラマンで、現場で撮影を試みていた中でのことでした。 警官が人々を追いやる時、彼はふくらはぎに弾を受けました。この時は炸裂しませんでしたが、彼が、それを手にした時に爆発したと目撃者が語っています。 (以下、中略)
多くの人が、フランス各地でデモに参加しています。Marseille 、 Montpellier 、 Bordeaux 、 Toulouse などで。


抗議は、時に必要ですが、暴力行為は望ましくありません。 それにしても、13週連続していることには見習いたい面もあります。 流石に、フランス革命の本家本元だと思ってしまいます。

翻って日本、市民は、政治的に大人し過ぎます。 繰り返しになりますが。“沈黙は同意に等しい” のです。

*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。


