

デンマーク: 自己防衛したら罰金?!

2016-01-27 17:30:25 | 日記
2016年1月27日(Wed.) 昨日(26日)のデンマーク情報です。 婦女暴行を阻止するために17歳の女子がペッパースプレーを使用したことに対し、その所持・使用が禁止されていることから罰金が科されるかも知れない・・・と言う解せないニュースです。(ニュースソース: ONLINE POST )


Girl faces fine for protecting herself against sexual assault  自己防衛した女の子が罰金に直面

Pepper-spraying a man who tried to pull down her trousers may cost 17-year-old girl dearly

A 17-year-old girl in Sønderborg has found herself in violation of the arms act for using pepper spray on an English-speaking man who tried to pull down her trousers.

The girl notified police in southern Jutland police that she had been sexually assaulted across the street from the Sønderborg cultural and community centre, the Sønderborghus.

She said that an English-speaking man unbuttoned her trousers and tried to get them off.

The girl then pulled out a pepper spray and frightened off her assailant.

Guilty of self-protection
Now the girl is facing charges for defending herself.
“It is illegal to possess and use pepper spray, so she will probably be charged,” local police head Knud Kirsten told TV SYD.

The girl’s report to the police comes in the wake of several incidents in Sønderborg, in which some asylum-seekers from the local asylum centre have found it difficult to behave properly towards women while out on the town.

It is unknown whether the man who allegedly violated the 17-year-old girl is an asylum-seeker.

(抜粋) 17歳の女の子が襲われたのですが、反撃にスプレーを使用したことが問われている・・・と言うものです。これが最終結論かどうかはわかりませんが、個人的には納得できることではありません。

地図: Google Earth 事件の場所です。


Danish nightspots report that male refugees are assaulting female customers

Asylum-seekers “find it difficult to respect women” says club owner

Several nightclub operators from towns across Denmark say that women in their clubs have felt harassed by male asylum-seekers and refugees.

Women in Thisted, Sønderborg and Haderslev reported they have been groped and received unwanted offers of sex.

The owner of a disco in Sønderborg said his city’s nightlife has changed since a local military base was converted into an asylum centre six months ago.

“It has to be said that many of the male guests coming from the local asylum centre find it very difficult to respect the opposite sex,” Glenn Hollender from the Den Flyvende Hollænder disco told TV Syd. “In my eyes, it is a violation if one or more men continues to touch a young girl after she has said stop.”

“When they see a girl, they go crazy”
The first Syrian refugees came to Haderslev in 2014. A large number of those arriving in the small Jutland were single men, and local nightclub owner Rafi Ibrahim said they have “made their mark” on the local nightlife scene.

“Many of the refugees and asylum-seekers who go out at the weekend do not know the rules,” said Ibrahim. “When they see a girl, they go crazy, trying to grope her or grab her clothes.”

Ibrahim has a Syrian background, but has lived in Denmark for several years.

Residents from the town of Thisted in north Jutland reported earlier in the week that there has been a a rash of refugees molesting young girls in the nightlife scene.

Language requirements
Thisted police said that officers have heard about the problem, but they have not received any specific complaints.

Ibrahim said that many of the men coming to Denmark have a different view of women and are not ready to deal with Danish nightlife.

This past autumn three Sønderborg discos introduced a requirement that all customers be able to speak either Danish, English or German to get into the clubs.

The nightspots said the requirement was introduced because they needed to be able to communicate with the customers for security reasons.

(抜粋) 1月中旬のニュースです。デンマークのいくつかの街で発生しているのですが、亡命希望者や難民の一部男性のことが書かれています。彼らは、若い女の子を見かけるとみさかいがなくなる・・・と。デンマークの女子が「やめて!」と言っても、体や衣服にタッチしてしまうそうです。難民キャンプができてから(約半年前)街が変わってしまったとも伝えています。






言葉や文化・風習が違うと言えども、人の尊厳を損なうような言動は許されないと思います。 「わからない」連中というのは、どこにでもいるようですね。 時間がかかっても、物事の良し悪しが判断できるようにして行くしかないのでしょうか・・・。

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