オサンポ walk - 秋探し looking for autumn

2018年10月05日 | 日記

Where is autumn?
I found a gingko nut
On the ground

秋ってほんとに来てるんですか?! っと問い詰めたくなりませんか?! 「秋来ぬと 目にはさやかに…」の和歌じゃないですが、風だって秋っぽくない。どこどこどこに? と探していると、ギンナンが落ちてました。うむ。

Has autumn been coming? Yet? I'd sincerely like to ask you. We've got Classical Japanese song, Waka. One person created a Waka that tells us, how he knew autumn came, it's a sound of wind. I was also looking for it, I found the gingko nut on the ground.
I think sometimes...plants, insects and animals are weaker than humans. But, it's not. I believe that they must know how to survive when weather is different from usual.
It might be Aonly humans... struggle with that?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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