ホンヨミ Book-loving 「田舎教師」a teacher in the countryside

2015年02月06日 | 日記

Katai Tayama
He lived in Meiji period
Wrote the book

だいぶ前に一度読んで(読んでるハズ!) 、捨てる前にもう一度読もうと読み始めると、「こんな話だったっけ」と細かいエピソードは覚えておらず。最初少し物語の世界に馴染むのに時間がかかりましたが、読み進めていくうちに自然描写が何とも豊かなことに気付くと、登場人物たちのことも頭に入ってくるようになりました。しかし主人公の林清三君が物語の最後どうなるか、チッとも覚えてなくってその事実の方に衝撃を受ける始末。コレ、普通ですかね?
I reread the book of a teacher in the countryside. ( wrote by Katai Tayama, if you are interested in, you could visit at http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katai_Tayama) I read it at least once, but I don't remember any details. In the beginning, it was a bit difficult to get into the story, but when I found that the author was good at describing the details of natures, I got into it. I completely forgot the ending of story, the mail character, Seizo Hayashi, who is going to be, I was shocked. Is it common??
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