Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

有道先生 こういうことです。

2008年09月06日 21時27分44秒 | Weblog



There is, however, no mention in the article of the IC Chip proposed to be imbedded in future Gaijin Cards, or swiping stations to track even legal foreigners as they move about within Japan

不法滞在者のみならず、合法の外国人住民まで追跡できるようにIC化される、ということが書いていない、というが、ICについては利便性のためだから、別にどうということないだろう。それをみれば、合法の外国人の居所がわかるのは、当然で、日本人でも引っ越しをすれば届け出て、住民票の記載が変わる。外国人も引っ越しすれば届け出る。当たり前じゃないの? 不法滞在者はそれをしないから、不法とわかる。

as an increasing number of foreigners do not register themselves at municipalities after gaining admission at the bureau or fail to report an extension of their stay,

1 平成18年中に,出入国管理及び難民認定法違反により退去強制手続(出国
命令手続を含む。以下同じ )を執った外国人は5万6,410人で,3年連続

して5万5,000人を超えた (平成17年と比較して762人減少)

2 不法残留者は4万2,829人で,平成17年と比較して575人の増加,

575人上回り,入管法違反者全体の75.9パーセントと依然として多数を占めている。平成18年における入管法違反事件について 平成19年2月 法務省入国管理局


Sweatshop 有道ブログ

2008年09月06日 20時13分41秒 | Weblog
Doug Norman Says:
September 6th, 2008 at 12:13 am
This has to be one of the most disturbing posts I have seen on this blog (Debito) or any other human rights site.

LOS ANGELES―Thirteen years after being freed from a garment factory sweatshop where they toiled behind razor wire and under guard, two former slave laborers from Thailand are now U.S. citizens.

Maliwan Clinton, 39, and Sukanya Chuai Ngan, 47, officially became Americans on Wednesday, long after state officials broke down the door of a boarded-up, cramped factory and liberated 72 captive Thai immigrant workers in the San Gabriel Valley, about 12 miles east of downtown Los Angeles.

Dozens of the former laborers, some of whom had been imprisoned for several years working 18 hours a day for less than $1 a day, are expected to become citizens this year.

The workers were lured from Thailand with the promise of a monthly salary of $1,000―nearly 10 times what some of them were earning in their home country―for working from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. with weekends off.

The reality turned out to be vastly different. The immigrants were held against their will and told if they tried to escape, brutal U.S. police would shave her heads and stamp their scalps with marks of disgrace..mercurynews.com



The case marked the first time in federal court that garment workers successfully held the industry responsible for a labor contractor's exploitation.


てか、あんさんsweatshopって英単語しらんのかいな? まあ、欧米では未だに不法移民がこうして労働搾取的工場で働いているって、報道ようみかけるが、あんさんみないのかいな?新聞読まないのかいな? よっぽど人権問題に関心が薄い在日外人さんやな。有道先生も人権活動家なら、こういう馬鹿には教えてやらんといかんと思うがな。

Edward Said: A Critical Introduction 2

2008年09月06日 10時33分34秒 | Weblog
page 39
...the Orient was a place where one could look for sexual experience unobtainable in Europe....In time 'Oriental sex' was as standard a commodity as any other available in the mass culture, with the result that readers and writers could have it if they wished without necessarily going to the Orient.


page 41
The male Oriental becomes the despotic male, to be both feared and despised,while the female becomes exotic, sensual, pentrable odalisque or houri, to be desired and, arguably also despised.


page 42
The East is to the West what the woman is the man.


page 51
Facts do not all speak for themselves, but require a social acceptable narrative to absorb, sustain and circular them.


page 55
....Israel must be as unique because they involve a victimized people transformed into victimizers.


page 56
... he deconstructs the dehumanizing and over-generalizing image of Palestinians as terrorists.....
page 57
...he asserts the need to contextualize 'terrorism'...much medial reporting of this terrorism suggests that it is typical of whole countries and not just isolated groups ....
...Said often claims that this form of misrepresentation through racist stereotypes and comment exists in the West only in relation to the Arabs and to the Islam. ...Salman Rushdie has identified similar systematically negative representations of Indians and Pakistanis in the British media, for example.


page 58
..he particularly condemns the hypocrisy and double standards of many American liberals , who fail to speak our about human rights abuse in Israel....


page 69
Said ...looks for alternative arguing ...that there is a need for 'a new logic in which "difference" does not entail "domination". The alternative he puts forward involves a democratic and secular state in Palestine, non-nationalist and non-ethnic or sectarian visions of identity



page 86
..(Said) considers nationalism as an essential transitional stage in the evolution from the primary political type of resistance to imperialism to the secondary ideological type that leads to the establishment of new states. However, said is opposed to nationalism when it is exclusivist.


page 88
Said sees American imperialism and neo-imperialism as both similar to and different from their British and French imperialist counterparts. They resemble them in justifying the exercise of powers by spurious appeals to moral legitimacy, but are different from them because the media and information technology explosion.

page 91
For Iraq the Gulf War represented an attempt to right Arab wrongs, notably the 'unrealized, unfulfilled promise of Arab independence' betrayed by the West and others; for the USA the was was defence of freedom and democracy.

Said expresses his desire to help to create 'new' and innovative paradigms for humanistic research in the hope of combating the distortions and manipulations of the Western news and other media.

page 103
Conrad, like Kpling,expressed 'the colour, glamour, and romance of the British overseas enterprise. He argues that it offers its protagonist(and by extention, its male-identified reader) the fictional fulfilment of the 'dreams of passion, success and exotic adventure' which is denied the protagonist and the reader of the Europe novel of the period.


page 133
Said sees the intellectual as an necessarily oppositional figure where main function is to provide alternative sources, alternative readings alternative presentation of the evidence.


page 135
I am only a bourgeois white male, I can't speak ' is a sing of laziness and bad faith and is intellectually unaccetable.(Spivak)...both discuss quite explicitly the need for postcolonial intellectuals to represent those less fortunate than themselves.




なんでもかまわないのか?ーーーちゅうのも極端、でも歴史や文脈を超越してた唯一絶対の意味・真実がある、とするのも極端。 一切に無関心な神の視点からみた客観的な意味はないにせよ、個人的主観的になんでもかまわないというわけでもなく、時代により、文脈により、より説得的な解釈はありえる、というのが穏当な




Edward Said: A Critical Introduction1

2008年09月06日 10時33分04秒 | Weblog
Edward Said: A Critical Introduction by Valerie Kennedy


page 3
he develops his argument that the intellectual should not be seduced by power or official approval, but should remain unco-opted if not uncommitted, ready to challenge orthodoxies and received ideas and to change the world.

page 4
From the 1970's onwards, Said has sought to turn his initial sense of alienation in the USA and his growing awareness of a divided allegiance as both a Palestinian Arab and an American citizen into something positive by bringing together the two sides of his experience.



page 5
He has striven for vision of transnational human interaction avoiding both sectarianism and politics based on divisive notions of ethnic or religious identity


He also focuses on a number of over-generalizing and demeaning stereotypes of Arabs...


page 10
Said's uneasiness with the structuralist project is primarily that it denies the specificity of the literary text and obliterates historical change and domination with its overemphasis on system and method.


page 12
he challenge what Foucault calls the 'regime of truth', that is, the assumptions underlying discussions of Israeli and Palestinian history.


page 14
He argues (the Western perceptions of the Orientalism need to be seen in relation to the Western domination of the Orient through colonialism and impelrialsm as well as neo-colonialism


page 16
..this discourse is based on a transcendental dicthotomy between the West and the Orient. The first is seen as 'rational, peaceful , liberal, logical, capable of holding real value, land without natural suspicion, and the latter as noe of these things.


page 17
(the development of Orientalism) embodies a 'textual attitude'. This means that the discourse of Orientalism relies on images of the East and its inhabitants that are nto derived from empirical evidence or experience but from other books.


...Said stresses the emergence of what he sees as the principle of binary opposition and comparison whereby Europe always emerges as superior to the Orient.


page 20
....this textual production is an example of the western 'will to power' over others, and that it is therefore intimately related to the material realities of political and economic dominace which constitutes colonialism, imperialism and neo-colonialism.


page 21
(definition of Orientalism)
First it is an academic tradition of study, teaching and writing about the Orient. Second it is a 'style of thought based upon ontological and epistemological distinction made between "the Orient" "the Occident"....
Said describes Orientalism as both an institution and a style ...Foucault defines a discourse, or set of of 'discursive practices' as the 'delimitation of a field of object the definition of a legitimate perspective for the agent of knowledge and the fixing of norms for the elaboration of concepts and theories.



The dichotomy between theory and practice in Foucault is linked to the idea that there can be no such thing as a 'true' representation.

フーコーの真理論については、Searle and Foucault on Truthで、かるーく取り上げた。(なお、真理の哲学も参考にされたい。)通用する真理、あるいは、通用する公正さと、実現すべき正義といった理論と実践の問題はかなり難しい問題だと思う。サイードが成功している、とも思えない。

...Foucault argues frequently that power comes 'from everywhere'. That is , he re-conceptualize power in terms of what he calls a 'capillary' method of operation and propagation, rejection the 'repressive' hypothesis' which argue the power is imposed from above.....Foucault's 'capillary' model of power ...denies the possibility of identifying some of the specific sources of the type of 'power' coming from above'


page 30
Young argues that Oriental-ism 'operates as a form of dislocation for the West, explaining that if the West's construction of the Orient 'does really represent the East, the it 'signifies the West's own dislocation from itself , something inside that is present, narrativized being outside. That is the Orient as constructed by the West can be interpreted as a projection of repressed desires and fears.


page 31
He uses the concepts of hegemony (the domination of one state by another )to supply what he sees as a lack in Foucault's idea....he take s Oriental-ism as an example of how cultural hegemony works in civil society to reinforce the ruling ideology of political society not by domination but by consent.


page 34
....he is attempting to use the values of Western humanism against the imperialist tradition and against its failure to acknowledge or value different culture.....'The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. ' It is exceeding difficult to free Western humanism from its Egocentricity, from its assumption of Western cultural superiority and from the ideal of civilizing mission .....


 Edward Said: A Critical Introduction 2

E.P. Lowe ひさしぶりだなあ。

2008年09月06日 02時00分18秒 | Weblog
E.P. Lowe
# E.P. Lowe Says:
September 5th, 2008 at 6:27 pm

Some observations.

“the president joined about 10 people including company employees and tried to force the six
workers, who were sleeping in a company dormitory, to get into a minibus he had prepared to take them to Narita Airport.”

If someone tries to force people into a minibus, then that’s attempted kidnapping.

“The trainees resisted, and plans to take them to the airport were abandoned, but one of the trainees was left with a broken leg after jumping out of a window on the second floor of the dormitory. Two others suffered bruises and scratches during the row.”

It’s unclear what caused the trainee to jump out of the window, but of the two who suffered bruises and scratches during the incident - that’s clearly battery.

It’s also interesting that these illegal actions are described as a “row”.

“The three injured workers were later taken into the custody of the Zentoitsu Workers Union, which supports foreign trainees and apprentices. The remaining three were taken to Narita Airport by company officials and returned home.”

The remaining three were taken? Kidnapped more like.

These people have also assumed the responsibilities of customs officials and deported people from the country. Not a crime though I think.

So, we’ve got:

Attempted kidnapping.
Actual kidnapping.
Battery (and probably Assault too)

And what do we have from the ‘Justice’ Ministry:

“A Justice Ministry official said there was a possibility the company could be punished.”






