
時に末日聖徒/モルモン教への私見含むメモ帳にて御座候 ほな毎度どんもにて 御きげんよろしゅうで御座候


2014-07-12 11:03:43 | ニュース??!!

(2014-07-14 )


Domestic violence from a cult called the mormons. I was beat for 12 years. I was married in the Salt Lake Temple to a return Missionary. I was told to stay with him and pray. The shelters are always full and I had no place to go so I stayed with him, until the day he kicked my daughter in the stomach. My Bishop kept insisting I go to counseling so I could change so he would stop hitting me. He threw ne down a flight of stairs twice when I was pregnant, he punched me in the face, he choked me until I passed out. For all the abuse, he was never arrested. For all the times he beat the kids, he was never arrested. When I divorced him I was released from all my church callings and shunned from the church members. He went on to hold Temple callings while stalking me and threatening to kill me. After he caught my house on fire I left the state. I had a protective Order for 8 years. He consistently violated the Order and it was the police in Arizona who finally arrested him. He paid bail and left the state. He came back to Utah and is still holding a Temple calling and church callings. I have made many friends through the years in or from the Mormon Church who have the same situation as me. This is not an immigration problem, it is a Mormon Cult problem. The Mormons also believed you have to be marred in the Temple before you can enter Heaven. I have a civil divorce from my ex, but in the eyes of the church I am still sealed to him for eternity because without him, I go to hell. I left the church, but we are still sealed for eternity, but not in my eyes. God would never allow a man who beat his wife and the mother oh his children be together forever,. This is a MORMON issue NOT an immigration issue. Mormon women are the most depressed then any other group of women. The Judge are Bishops forcing families to stay together. I had t leave Utah to find the peace I was looking for, It has now been 23 years since my divorce and he still stalks me, has destroyed my credit and says hateful things to the kids about me. I have moved on and happy now. He is still in the beliefs of the church which he is clearly dysfunctional and unhappy, I left and found freedom. The church breeds dysfunction and depression and abuse in the homes. So glad I figured it out and got away.
 July 12, 2014 at 」






ユタ州で、2004-2005の年間保護を受けた相談者数は、5,417人(2,538女性 2,904子供 29男性  一日平均15)。ところが、2013年9月17日の‘一日’抽出調査の結果では、保護を受けた相談者数が、614人に。(同日、全米では36,348人  ユタとほぼ同じ規模の人口構成のアーカンサー州では、333人)





