
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

1798.The spirit!

2012-09-20 12:15:00 | Topics

Date-san lost with 2-6, 1-6 in the doubles match too at Korea Open... Hmm., sad again... The world of professional play is very severe.., but anyway, I admire Date-san's spirit. If I were her.., I would give up playing... Jsut Go, Date-san. We'll support you!
Mom Henin. Someday, I want her to show her great spirit to her child☆


1797.Korea Open.

2012-09-19 12:15:00 | Topics

Date-san lost with 4-6, 3-6 in the first singles match at Korea Open. Sad... According to her blog, she seemed not to be in good condition yet. Maybe, she would take more time to play well... I hope she will get better at TORAY. We'll support her☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~



2012-09-18 12:15:00 | Topics

I went to Kobe in this three-day weekends. This is the photo I took at Mt.Maya in Kobe. You see Osaka Bay and Osaka city too over Kobe city. And Japanese silver grass. It will soon be time for autumn.

And I got on local line. I spent a good time to relieve my stress. Hmm., but I already came back to reality(^^;)... By the way, Date-san's asian season will start in Korea. I'm looking forward to seeing her at TORAY☆


1795.Almost five years.

2012-09-15 12:15:00 | Topics

Almost five years have passed since I started writing this blog. At first, I did so to improve my English. Before I knew it, I was writing a lot about Henin(^^;). Anyway, I became a fan of Henin, so, I could keep writing. That's for sure. Henin, thank you☆. This blog might become a blog of memory about Ju more(^_^;), because of her pregnancy, congrats, but I'll keep writing here to support her as far as possible. So, visitors, sometimes come here and enjoy, please☆


I'll take a rest during three-day weekends.


2012-09-14 12:15:00 | Topics

Let me write it again, Henin, Congratulation. It's a very very happy news☆. I guess almost her fans would be surprised at her tweet. Yes, me too. Maybe, we won't see her with tennis racket for a while, but she got more importance than tennis now, so, we also are happy. Henin, we always wish your happiness☆

Benoit et moi avons une belle nouvelle à vous annoncer… Et oui, bientôt nous serons trois… Notre petit bout arrivera au mois de mars… Nous sommes super heureux !

Benoît and I have a beautiful news to announce you… And yes, soon we will be three… Our small tip will arrive in the month of March… We are very happy!



1793.Asian season.

2012-09-13 12:12:15 | Topics
さて、US Openが終わって、アジアシーズンが来ますね。日本では、TORAYとHP Openが開催されます。今年も、TORAYには、トッププレイヤーがたくさん来てくれます。楽しみですね☆。この写真は、去年のTORAYです。メンズの皆さん、アナさん、超キレイですよ。

Well, after US Open, Asian season is coming. In Japan, TORAY and HP Open will be held. This year too, many top players will come there. I'm looking forward to it☆. This is the photo at TORAY of last year. Hey guys, Ana-san is very beautiful.

TORAY has been held in February, before. Players had to go to winter-Japan from summer-Australia, so, it would have been hard to control own condition... Soon after TORAY moved to September from February, Henin retired.., and she didn't come to Japan before that. Hmm., I hope it doesn't mean she dislike Japan(^^;)... By the way, Henin will become a mother in next March. Congratulation, Justine!

Justine Henin(Twitter)


1792.Murray won.

2012-09-12 12:15:00 | Topics
US Open男子決勝、マリーが優勝しました。おめでとうございます。ついに、GSタイトルを獲りましたね。今まで、何度も彼の悔し涙を見ていたので、今回の優勝は、とてもグッときました。

In men's final at US Open, Murray got the title. Congratulations. Finally, he got his first GS title. Until now, I watched his regretful tears many times. So, I'm very touched his victory.
Big 4, no doubt about that☆. Men's tennis achieves high level.


1791.Serena won.

2012-09-11 12:15:00 | Topics
US Open女子決勝、セレナが優勝しました。おめでとうございます。昨日の朝、支度をしながら見ていた時は、Vikaさんがファイナルセットでリードしていたので、そのまま優勝するかと思いました。

In women's final at US Open, Serena got the title. Congratulations. When I checked the live score yesterday morning, Vika was taking a lead in the final set. So, I expected she would get the title.
でもその後、セレナは見事な逆転勝利をしました。これは、素晴らしかったですね。Vikaさんは、勝ちビビリしたってやつでしょうか。。でも、成績が安定してきてるようなので、これからチャンスはあるでしょう。。今でもまだ時々思います、、エナンがいたら、、どんなUS Openになるのかな…と。。しみじみ。。

Then, Serena came back and got the big victory. That's great. Maybe, Vika got nervous to win, I guess... But she keeps winning recently, so, she would have many chances to get the title... I still think that.., if Henin plays there now.., What would happen to US Open... I miss Ju's tennis...



2012-09-10 12:15:00 | Topics
US Open男子決勝は、マリー対ジョコビッチです。応援していたフェデラーは、QFでベルディッヒに負けちまいました。さて、今回は、マリーを応援しようかな。ここいらで、彼にGS初タイトルを獲って欲しいです。

In Men's tennis at US Open, the final is Murray v.s. Djokovic. My favorite player Federer lost to Berdych in QF. Now, this time, I'll support Murray. I want him to get his first GS title.



2012-09-09 12:15:00 | Topics

I caught a cold in July, after that, I was busy for a while. At such times, I watch TV with laughing a lot to reduce stress. Oh, of course, I write about Henin to reduce stress every day(^^;)...

ふふ。笑いと言えばこれ。最近、私が一番笑った「綾瀬はるか&福田綾乃 in ひみつの嵐ちゃん」です。コントの一つ「未来では、足は洗わぬものですか?」の所を編集・検証してみました(^^;)。実際のドラマシーンを見ると、普通のシーンなんですよね。ものまねのツボと言うのは、「面白くなるだろうシーンを見つけて、誇張できるか」なんでしょうか。

Haha. Speaking of laughing, this is the video "Haruka Ayase & Ayano Fukuda in Arashi-chan" which I laughed a lot recently. About one of the performances "Don't you wash your foot, in the future world?", I edited it and checked the scene in the original drama(^^;). Watching it, that's not a special scene. The point of mimic would be "finding funny potentiality and modifying to the special one", I guess.

Well, Haruka Ayase will be the main actor in next NHK taiga drama. The character is not like Saki-san in JIN, but I'm looking forward to the next taiga. This year, I didn't watch taiga at all(^^;)...
ところで、エナンさん、去年ぐらいにミュージカル?の話があったように思いますが、どうなったんでしょう。もう終わったのかな。。US Openの決勝、セレナ対アザレンカより気になります☆

By the way, last year, I checked the topic about Henin's musical? in the internet. How is it?. It already finished?... Anyway, I mind about Henin more than Serena v.s. Vika in the final at US Open☆

Justine Henin is to be immortalised in a musical celebrating her life
