
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2012-09-08 12:15:00 | Topics
US Open決勝は、セレナ対アザレンカとなりました。今年は、結局、1試合も見ないまま、決勝まで来ちまいした。。うーん、、あまり興味はないけれど、、この二人の対決ならば、セレナに勝って欲しい気がします。。エナンと同世代だしね。。

In the women's tennis at US Open, the final is Serena v.s. Vika. In the end, I didn't watch a match of this US Open... Hmm.., I don't care that which player will win.., but I want to watch Serena's title a little... Because she is the same generation as Henin...
