独断偏見妄言録 China's Threat


The only way for destroying nuclear arms of North Korea

2017年09月03日 14時02分34秒 | 北朝鮮
If the US will carry out the preemptive strike, North is predicted to make Seoul literally a sea of fire by counterattacks. The United States may be grudged by Koreans for 10,000 years. Also it will be criticized from all over the world.
There is only one way to get rid of the nukes of the North.
It is the withdrawal of the US military forces from South Korea. However, the US-South Korea alliance should be maintained.
That may be the good chances of the North for preemptive strike to the South.
If so, the US get a justification to blow up the North by air bombing of nuclear facilities and missiles and killing engineers for preventing re-nuclear armament. There will be no criticism from the world.
The south will be greatly damaged by the war, and the national strength may drop dramatically. Korean Peninsula will not be a big threat to Japan even if it is unified as communist regime.

The only thing to do as Japan is to prevent the inflow of refugees from Korean Peninsula.

North Korea says it has developed more-advanced hydrogen bomb: KCNA
ReutersSeptember 3, 2017 By Jack Kim


North Korea says it successfully tested hydrogen bomb for long-range missile
By Anna Fifield September 3 at 3:03 AM
washngton post
TOKYO — North Korea claimed Sunday to have detonated a hydrogen bomb that can be mounted on a missile capable of reaching the mainland United States — a claim that, although unverified — will sharply increase tensions between the Pyongyang regime and the rest of the world.

North Korea detonates sixth and most powerful nuclear test
by David Millward, US Correspondent and Neil Connor, Beijing
3 September 2017 • 11:18am
● North Korea claims to have tested a hydrogen bomb, says it was a 'complete success'
● Japan, South Korea and China criticise the test
● China Earthquake Administration reports "massive explosion"
● North Korea claims to have developed bomb with great destructive power
● Report said the blast is up to five times the strength of the Nagasaki bomb
● The explosion was almost ten times more powerful than the previous test
● Residents along China and Russian border report tremor lasting eight seconds

Let U.S. Deterrence Fail on the Korean Peninsula
September 24, 2017 by Stefan Soesanto
On deterrence: Rather than strengthening deterrence, Washington should lower the U.S. deterrence posture on the peninsula to the extent that it might fail. This approach would entail withdrawing almost all U.S. forces and military assets from South Korea, and stopping all annual U.S.-ROK exercises. While United States and allied military planners will decry this approach as irresponsible and dangerous, the strategy’s underlying motivations are threefold: (1) providing a last goodwill gesture for diplomacy to work, (2) putting pressure on both Koreas to negotiate a feasible agreement on the future of the peninsula, and (3) potentially baiting Pyongyang into crossing the thirty-eighth parallel in search of a military solution.

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