

ゲオルグ・ショルティ - シカゴ妄想 (II)

2005-03-29 00:10:42 | 自由人

Solti on Solti (続き)

それから、2度目の奥さんになる Valerie との劇的な出会いがある。当時、スイスで一緒になり 20 年余り連れ添った Heidi と別居中であったが、ニューヨークのビジネスウーマンとの短い出会いの後、ロンドンでその出来事は起こった(テレビでは 2 人がこのドラマを再現していたように思う)。

A few months later, in September 1964, Valerie Pitts, a young journalist and television personality, came to the Savoy to interview me for the BBC. As usual, I was a little behind schedule, and I had to shout, from the shower, “Wait a moment, I’m not dressed.” I eventually came to the door, in my bathrobe and asked Valerie to help me find my socks, which I had mislaid. I think we both fell in love within minutes. After the interview, I invited her to lunch, and a passionate love affair began. We very soon decided that we wanted to liver together, but we were both married. Understandably, the situation created great difficulties not only with her husband but also with her parents, who at the time did not approve of her love affair with a man twenty-five years her senior – nearly their age – and still, technically, married. She wanted to end everything, but I would not let her go; I pursued her ruthlessly.

…..Valerie and I married on 11 November 1967―Armistice Day.




… while the company was in Berlin, Valerie gave birth to a baby girl, and I made a special trip back to London to see Gabrielle a few minutes after she was born. At the age of fifty-seven I had become a father, and when I held the baby in my hands I felt I was looking into my mother’s eyes again. Three years later, a second daughter, Claudia, was born. The existence of these two dear creatures, who came into my life when I was old enough to be a grandfather, altered me profoundly, I cannot be grateful enough to Valerie and to my God for giving me so much joy with these two wonderful girls.


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