山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)



2010-03-28 15:50:36 | 旅行
It is Sunday today.
I did translation work for the photo exchange of Niimi International Exchange Association in the morning.

In the afternoon, I saw the film "Alice in Wonderland."
M.T, who is a Niimi College graduate and studying in Melbourne, came with me.
This is a 3D film.
I have never seen a 3D film.
As you may know, you have to wear a special pair of 3D glasses to see this kind of movie.
To a man with glasses like myself, wearing one more pair of glasses gives a smaller vision range, and it also makes me tired.
The 3D effect is superb, though, with very clear perspective.
I read "Alice in Wonderland" with the students in the Early Childhood Education this year and I recommended them this film.
Johnny Depp appears in this movie.
I will not tell you the details of this work here, but if you want to see this movie, my tip of advice would be "you should read the book first, or see other version of Alice including Disney's beforehand."
Anyway this story is a combination of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass," so seeing this film through a 3D glasses was quite an experience.

This evening I have to pack my luggage and get ready to be back to Japan.
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