

デンマーク: 独身者数が増加傾向

2016-02-19 18:39:51 | 日記
2016年2月19日(Fri.) 昨日のデンマーク情報です。(ニュースソース: CPH POST ONLINE )


Number of singles in Denmark growing

Some 1.6 million Danes do not have a partner

More women than men are single in Denmark

The number of singles in Denmark has increased again, reports Politiken.
According to Statistics Denmark, there are now around 1.6 million adult singles living in the country – the most for 30 years.

Predominantly women
Some 53 percent of them are women.

According to Mogens Nygaard Christoffersen, the senior researcher at the Danish National Centre for Social Research, this may be because women often have older partners and because they generally live longer.
The total number of singles is the equivalent of 37 percent of all adults – 30 years ago it was 32 percent.

Mostly in Copenhagen
The highest proportion of singles among the 30-49 age group live in Copenhagen (43.3 percent), in Frederiksberg (38.2 percent) and on Lolland (36.2 percent).
Meanwhile, only 18 percent of that age bracket living in Allerød, a northern suburb of Greater Copenhagen, are singles.

More costly
According to Statistics Denmark, it is about 10 percent more expensive to be single than to live as a couple.
Based on data from 2012, couples were able to save nearly 20,000 kroner annually on living expenses compared to people living alone.





高学歴化や、景気の低迷、収入の不安定化等々・・・、他にも様々な要因があるのでしょう。しかし、人生を生き抜き、次の世代に命をつなぐためにも家庭は築きたいものです。 とは言うものの、それぞれの個々人に即した結婚適期があるようには思いますが・・・(私見)。


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