

ドイツ(Germany 🇩🇪): shave down there?

2019-06-28 16:53:49 | 日記
2019年6月28日(Fri.) 羽化したばかりのアゲハ(ナミアゲハ)が、植木鉢の隅で羽を伸ばしていました。 そして通り雨の後、薄日が差したころ、無事に飛び立って行きました。

さて、本日の話題は、やや大人向けかも知れませんので、詳細部分は原文でご確認下さい。 ( ニュースソース: DWーDE 6月26日発 )

How risky is it to shave down there?
Summer means sunshine, bare arms, swimsuits and bikinis — and razoring off that pesky pubic hair so it's nowhere to be seen. No one should tell you to whether to prune or not, but there are a few risks to keep in mind.
夏です。 しかし、剃るか剃らないか(抜くか抜かないか)は誰も教えてくれません。しかし、いくつかのリスクがあることを覚えておいて下さい。

Pubic hair is protective: it bars foreign bodies, bacteria, pathogens dirt and germs from entering the sensitive vaginal area.
It can minimize the risk of various infections and prevent friction during sex and thus injuries. All in all, pubic hair fulfils an important function for our body.
But most people in Germany remove it, whether by shaving, waxing or laser treatment.
A sample study of 1000 young Germans between the age of 20 and 35 by Neon Magazine found that 67% of the women involved removed all of their pubic hair off, and 33% shaved partially.
Of the men involved, 50% removed all their pubic hair and 39% partially. Shaving is still the most popular way to get rid of pubic hair.

(超抜粋) このヘアは、様々なことから体(繊細な部分)をガードしていてくれます。つまり、重要な役割を果たしているのです。
20〜35歳の若い世代の千人に確認したところ、67%の女性は完全に除去、33%が部分的に剃っています。 男性の場合は、50%が完全に除去、39%が部分的に処置しています。 シェービングが最も使用されています。

But a new study from California found that women who shave their pubic hair regularly have a higher risk of contracting genital herpes, genital warts or the dreaded papillomaviruses.
"We know that human papillomaviruses — the viruses that can cause warts in the genital area — are more and more frequent," dermatologist Professor Norbert Brockmeyer told DW.
"By removing the pubic hair, the papillomaviruses that have settled there are more easily distributed. This is particularly true for the pubic bone, from where warts often form on the entire surface of the pubic bone," continued Brockmeyer.
However, Brockmeyer isn't afraid that other venereal diseases can be transmitted more easily.

(超抜粋) しかし、研究によると、ヘアを除去すると各種の感染罹患リスクを伴うと発表されています。

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