one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


By A Spider's Thread by Laura Lippman

2013-12-22 10:47:30 | book(本)

By A Spider's Thread by Laura Lippman, 2004. Avon Books.

Private investigator Tess Monaghan uses the inter net women PI network, SnoopSisters. She wrote :
Dear S-Sisters,I have scanned three photos into the shared files, part of a missing-persons case. To say that the information is sketchy would be generous. Natalie Rubin, nee Peters, disappeared three weeks ago with three children----a boy, Isac, 9, and boy-girl twins, Efraim and Penina, 5. Police have ruled out foul play, but husband insists he never saw it coming and thinks ---- hopes----her flight may have actually been done for his benefit. What's the emotion for skepticism? I'll enter DOBs for all four into the shared files. No known aliases. No known anything, really. Assumption is they're traveling together, but who knows?
Anyone here know much about Orthodox Judaism? I'm curious because my client----Modern Orthodox, not Hasidic ---- refused to shake my hand. I knew, but forgot, about the prohibition against men touching women who are not their wives. Still, shouldn't the religion have evolved beyond this concept by now? What's the point in this day and age?


The suspense of chasing the mother and three children with Tess is so exciting.
But I am interesting much with the messages of the women PIs who found and chased the wife and children who are traveling around the one third area of USA. The SnoopSisters is as it were a virtual kaffeeklatsch , Lippman explains.
I don't know the word kaffeeklatsch. So I search it with Merram Webster.
Definition : an informal social gathering for coffee and conversation.
Origin : German, from Kaffee coffee + Klatsch gossip
First Known Use : 1888

If you have a chance to find this book, please get and read this suspense detective .
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冬休み初日Le premier jour des congés d'hiver

2013-12-22 10:45:50 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

The cold rain and severe wind beside the railroad in Hachioji have deprived me of my energy for working. I start the Winter holiday earlier than the other co-workers.
The last working day was off at 14:00 so that I could walk through the winter field to take a few snap shot.
This is the one of them.
(八王子市石川町第4吉原踏切、Ishikawacho, Hachioji city, Tokyo)
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鍋焼きうどん弁当 les pâtes cuites en terrine

2013-12-22 10:44:16 | Foods(食)

I am fond of tasting new menu to order this one for a lunch box. The price is 400 yens. « Noodles served hot in a pot » as a bento lunch box service is very rare. So every workers in the site couldn't imagine it. Nobody have had a courage to order it. Thus, this is my turn.
The taste is not bad. The problem is the time for cooking. It takes fifteen minutes or more to cook with the low heat of the cooking candle. 15 minutes in the sixty minutes lunch time is so precious. No worker in the site wouldn't order it after my gastronomic try. Lololol.
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線路猫 les chats dans les voie ferée

2013-12-22 10:34:11 | cats(猫)

I have very little chance to see cats in the railroad of the Hachikoh line. In the central district of Tokyo, railroad world is a world of cats. There is no dog and so a few human beings, especially no kids. When they feel hungry, it's enough for getting foods to go out of the railroad and to stroll around the restaurants or the houses where live friends of cats. But around this local train line, there is no restaurant and no home. There are vegetable fields or orchards or big stock yards.
For half a year I could only two cats. The one, a calico kitten, creeps out the fence from a field to the railroad to take a nap in the sunny pampas grass.
The other one is this wild one.

(八高線3K970m付近、Ishikawacho, Hachioji city, Tokyo)
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髪飾り les accessoire pour les cheveux

2013-12-22 10:26:48 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Time after time I walk for about forty minutes from working site to the station. From time to time I take a bus after a longest day.
And sometimes I can get a chance to take a shot of happy things without any effort and only with sitting on a seat.
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