one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


Kaleidoscope by Dorothy Gilman

2013-12-31 23:52:45 | book(本)

Kaleidoscope by Dorothy Gilman, Ballantine Books, 2002 525 yen
The story opens :
Madame Karitska, lives in the shabby brownstone on English Eighth Street, gave only a cursory glance at the sign in the first-floor window that read MADAME KARITSKA, READINGS.
Madame Karitska has a gift of clairvoyance and psychometry. She live in the English street of Trafton.

Where is Trafton? I searched in Wikipedia : Trafton is a small unincorporated community located in Snohomish County, Washington. It is located near the city of Arlington, and although many things is the area are named Trafton ( such as Trafton Elementary and Trafton Cemetery), most residents consider themselves residents of Arlington.........
Umm, this is not the Trafton! I can't find the railroad around the Trafton, Washington. Wao! I misread the street name. It's not English street. It's Eighth Street. I can't find Trafton in real USA.

Many people in troubles visit to her to get an advise. Her psychometry can be appeared by touching the object which is belong to the person. When she touches the thing, the view of the past and future come into her mind and she advice what she thinks to make her client step into the better life. The client pay her money which the client values the advice. Almost of her clients are poor. So she usually gets not so big money.
The Detective Lieutenant Pruden is her friend and visits her everyday to enjoy tea time. He believes in her psychometry. Sometimes he needs her advice and sometimes she tells him what she worries about her clients.
And one day she meets a person who is a friend of her ex-husband in Europe. He is a jewel merchant. He ask her to keep his bag until he'll back to Trafton.
She touches the bag and sees the vision to advice him to take care of the bad incident in the near future. And the friend of her ex-husband can't be back. Somebody kills him in NY.
In Trafton, the police annoys two cases, a cult group and the drug dealing. Like a relation of Madame Karitska and Lieutenant Pruden, the incidents in Trafton and the murder of jewel merchant get combined.

I think in the mystery, the using psychometry is not fair to the reader. But about this clairvoyance mystery, the adventure with Madame Karitska is an entertaining experience fantastically. At the last page You should thank her to say see you again with lots of happiness.
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豆柿霜白師走畑 Kakis et la gelée blanche

2013-12-31 23:48:39 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

These small kakis must be for birds, I believe.
It's now 22 o'clock on the last day of the year.
The birds might be sleeping in the thickets. The temperature must be under zero degrees.
Will they be able to find something to have on the frosted field tomorrow morning?

(八王子市石川町、Ishikawacho, Hachioji city, Tokyo)
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大岳も緑なりき les collines vertes

2013-12-31 23:45:25 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I'm fond of looking up the wester hills, particularly love this Mt. Ohtake with its shape of lava dome.
In October the hills are colored green.

(八王子市石川町、Ishikawacho, Hachioji city, Tokyo)
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初雪大岳山御岳山 les collines couvertes de neige

2013-12-31 23:43:20 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The December 20 is the coldest day in this winter.
The cold rain keeps falling to freeze our bodies. I feel sick at around my stomach and back.
Then, almost three o'clock in the afternoon, the rain stops and the heavy clouds start departing.
The hills appear in the thin white snow dress.
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初雪化粧朝姿 les collines dans le matin

2013-12-31 23:41:58 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In the next early morning, the white hills are colored with the morning sun.
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セントニコラス St.Nicolas

2013-12-31 23:40:41 | cake(ケーキ)

The Christmas has been already over. But I love this chocolate from Belgium.
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サンタクロース le Père Noël

2013-12-31 23:39:38 | cake(ケーキ)

And this love I so much! Merry Christmas to all of my friends! LOLOLOL
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五目麺 les nouilles chaudes

2013-12-31 23:36:56 | Foods(食)

After a cold and longest day, this five toppings noodles is the best menu.

(満瑠賀、日野台五丁目、Hinodai, Hino city, Tokyo)
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チョココロネ、クリームパン、ジャムパン les trois pains

2013-12-31 23:33:34 | cake(ケーキ)

Every morning I stop at this shop.
They call me Mr. Korone (Corne bread with chocolate cream inside).Lolololol

(フランドール、日野台五丁目、Hinodai, Hino city, Tokyo)
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風を見る On regarde le vent

2013-12-31 23:18:50 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)
Every body can't stop watching the whirling leaves with the whirlwind.
We,then, can watch the wind.

And I start singing le tourbillon de la vie.

(中杉通り、阿佐谷北2丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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