one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


金の卵 ouef d'or

2013-06-30 12:04:29 | tools and parts 道具・文具・家具

Even if one have gold eggs, he couldn't get rich without work.
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チョコレートケーキ gateau de chocolat

2013-06-30 12:02:19 | cake(ケーキ)

So sweat and good with sour berry sauce!

(NYK cafe, 品川駅、 Shinagawa station)
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ネコババ crottin du chat

2013-06-30 11:56:20 | site(現場スナップ)

I find a bucket for cat droppings on Shinkansen train roof.
A cat on a train roof? Sure, there are many cats walking around in the Shinkansen yard. But I can't imagine of cats how to climb up to the roof where is very near to the 25000 volt electric wire.

(八潮三丁目、Yashio, Shinagwa ward)
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駐車位置です stationement

2013-06-30 11:55:32 | what?why?(ん?)

A funny parking sign of the car of X ray examination.
What is SMT?

(八潮三丁目、Yashio, Shinagwa ward)
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品川駅中花壇 jardin sur le guais de gar

2013-06-30 11:54:07 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Why did they make this flower garden at only this platform of Shinagawa station?

(Shinagawa station)
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梅雨の昼休み le repos de midi

2013-06-30 11:40:16 | sky/weather/season

During the lunch time, the rain keeps falling and I spend to read a paperback under the road bridge.
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain...Tell me just what a fool I've been...
I can't remember the lyrics more...

(大井埠頭中央陸橋下、八潮三丁目、Yashio, Shinagwa ward)
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キャラメルパン pain de caramel

2013-06-30 11:39:02 | Foods(食)

The sweet caramel cream hides in the cube of bread.

(Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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白猫 le chat blanc

2013-06-30 11:36:30 | cats(猫)

Cats like to spend their time in car parks. I always worry whether accidents would occur against cats with cars. But I've never heard such a disaster. Often human children are killed with their parent's cars in park or home garden.

(阿佐谷南三丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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ボートクレーン les grues des barques

2013-06-30 11:33:09 | LA

I like watching the works in the shipyard. Particularly I love the small ship crane working.

(Redondo beach, L.A.)
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June and Larry 2

2013-06-30 11:32:11 | LA

Surely, I left a part of my heart there.
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